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Image Comments posted by alex-m


    (Thanks guys). Lol @ Marco, unusual? They know the drill... all hell broke loose... Couple 'o mates were over and thought it should be called "Dante's Inferno" or Hironimus Bosch's "bad dream".... (grins) thought it was just a bunch 'o hungry pelicans, doing repeat business, looking for a handout...


    Thanks JC. I was quite green in a sea kajak. They can be very wind-sensitive and we were keeping our rudders up trying to train ourselfes to compensate with the paddle. So every time I tried to take a pic the kajak was trying to turn itself into the breeze and my cousin would be out of a reasonable frame. Unfortunatly the best I could come up with. But I like your "eye" for where it should have been. I aggree. Just for the record, there was a small motorboat on the mid-left of the horizon, that I cloned out. Regards
  1. Life and its twist are a wonderous thing. Lol at Paul. You're such a pragmatist sometimes. But I like what you write because you're honest and offer a refreshing break from the technical merit raters by reconciling it with content. There were times in my life with little or no money and I would shop at the Salvation Army Store for my clothing needs. Lucky for me, this one was close to a very ritzy area and received lots of high dollar hand-me-downs. Geez, I thought I was swell, running around in Neiman Marcus shirts bought at the SA store for 2 bucks a piece (lol)(wouldn't hock the watch that I got from my Dad though...) Thank you Zafar for offering yet another great platform for thought exchange and specially for leaving the photo alone as much as possible. And thank you Paul for speaking your mind! Regards

    Girls with attitude

    It seems so long ago... I was a teenager then and had not traveled anywhere far beyond Europe. We had a lot of student unrest. Got caught up in a massive demonstration in Amsterdam sometime in the summer of 69. Remember running down some sidestreet of Dam Square trying to get away from the melee... Thanks for exhibiting. This is a much needed reminder for me and it appears that some folks can associate with the content even though it may be from a time before theirs. There seem to be not too many trying to reconcile content with technical merit in the ratings game. (your photos speak for themselfs)

    Just wood

    Can't add anything outside that it works for me. I like the understatement. teaches me not to overdramatise my own stuff with exessive contrast or blown-up colors. thanks for the learning oportunity.
  2. Love how the light plays on top of each consecutive ridge and the cattle trails break things up nicely. I like the view you chose. I am not sure about grain, but there could be some digital noise. For me it doesn't take anything away from the composition. Regards
  3. And your global awarenes as we (speaking for myself) can be a tad self-absorbed at times and take things for granted. Very thoughtful comments by Jayme Hall, Bolti Ankheen, Goutam Mitra and many others. To your portrait, as a rank amateur I lack the expertise that many display here to comment outside of what I see and/or feel. I have resolved to study photos of some of the folks here and your portraits especially because I think I can learn from you. On a subjective level, I have to admit that even though we seem to strive for the "perfect" picture, I have had my fill of perfect pictures from advertisments alone. I like a few imperfections because they remind me of life which is imperfect. Ad agencies and magazines (with a few exceptions) seem to often hire folks more for their technical skills with the camera and less for their eye and understandably so. Unfortunatley that also leads often to a top-ten hitparade of immaculate images that state little. With that in mind, all I can say is that I like the symbolism and message, expression in the eyes and capture of activity. The one thing and this is again subjective, I agree with Paul Greenwood wanting to see all of the hands. At this time I care little what and how things were cloned, removed or altered, partly because of the sentiment under which it is posted and partly because it lets me look into your world through your lens. Best regards and thank you for the many encouraging comments you have left for a lot of us.

    Arboretum 1

    Very peaceful, great fall colors with only the ducks rippling the still water. If I may offer and this is subjective and maybe only me, I would crop the sky out of the reflection to take the shoreline a little out of the middle and bring the ducks a tad more into the foreground. This is just me and does not take anything away from the photo. Lovely shot! Regards

    Pond Ice

    Simply a stunning image. Great contrast between ice and water, the perspective of the curves that are soft on one side and jagged on the other with just enough black ice on the bottom for a little reflection. Lovely shot!


    There is nothing I could say that has not already been epressed in a very eloquent way by everybody here. I love this picture! But I am curious to see how a different frame would work. Highlights and shadows are exemplary.
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