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Image Comments posted by michaeldaggett

    in a hurry

    I love the photo conceptualy, but for me, I think the shutter was left open too long. A little less blur in the motion would have worked better I think. I'll rate it a 6/6


    Yeah I don't see it in CS, guess it's time for an upgrade, and I can see the usefulness of at least that one feature. Now that you've pointed that out, I've noticed it even heavier in other photos that I have not posted. Once the eye is trained, you just can't miss it. Thanks!


    Thank you! The image was taken with a lot of background activity, and I thought about cropping the people out, as I agree they are distracting. I did like this focal length however, so I left them in. Perhaps some cloning would be in order, or at least some heavy desaturation of the red. Thanks for looking, I'll play around with it.



    I was going to ask you what version of Photoshop you had, I just have CS, and I think it is time to upgrade, as some of the features you talked about are not available in CS. The lens distortion fix for sure. That is very cool. One of the things I can't keep getting right is the monitor situation you just talked about. Every monitor is different, so you really can't control how your image is viewed. I know sometimes I have an imgae I like, and then when I save it for web in CS, and post it the colors are way off. I'll try boosting the saturation and other things you mentioned, but depending on someeone's monitor it may look fine. Ahh the joys of digital.







    Wow, that's exactly what I was looking for. I've attached the original completely unedited jpg to this post to show you I did a lot of what you did, well some at least.. I'm still reading your comments to learn what some of the other tools you used were. So take a look at the original and you can see where I started.


    Thanks again for the feedback, this is EXACTLY what I had hoped I would get when I posted the image! You sharing your skills, time, and talent is a blessing, and I thank you for choosing me.



  1. The sand between her legs is a touch distracting for me. Either add a lot more sand to flow over her legs, or take it away and turn her a touch to block the view. A tighter composition would help as well, the unintersing background does nothing for this image. It is clearly all about her, so shoot it that way. Simply my opinion.
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