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Image Comments posted by michaeldaggett

    Studio Shoot


    John - wow you spent a lot of time on this and I can not thank you enough.  I've taken notes and will make the corrections that you pointed out.  I did have a second light, I tried to use it as a hair light, but it wasn't designed as such.  It sits behind her about 45degree off her right shoulder, you can see it in her hair a touch, but not at the crown where I think it would have been most beneficial.  WB is an issue I'm attempting to learn more about.  For some reason I never notice it until someone corrects it for me.  Your's is much better.  Thanks again!



    Thanks Jerry.  The composition I can't fix, I shot it like this :( - ill have to look at the original file, perhaps I overexposed it in post processing.  I think the raw file is right on, but I'll have to go back and look now that you got me seeing it :)


    I like it because recently I attempted similar shots - although not nearly as extreme. I love it because my eye was not ready to see this initially and it threw me off guard. The composition is what I love. Now if every photographer did this, it would tire very quickly.



    Tony - I have all those feelings as well... Thanks for your comments I appreciate them.  I'm not sure what I"m trying to convey here.... there was a group of photogs shooting her to my left, and went around and shot her from this view thinking it would be something different that what the others were shooting - but I don't know what!



    Does this composition do anything for you? For some reason I like the

    photo, but the more I look at it, I find it lacking something... what did you

    think when you first saw it?

    Hoover Dam

    This photo moves me - it made me move back in my chair after I felt a lump in my stomach. I'm afraid of heights and this instantly gave me the chills.. Well done! Now please don't post any more - hahah!


    Too much white, the outline of the mother is lost and it looks like a floating head with two arms holding a baby. Can you adjust it to bring out the details of the mother?
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