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Image Comments posted by michaeldaggett

  1. This was taken late in the day, with the sun to my back. Would a reflector

    work better than a fill flash in this instance? Im trying to eliminate the

    shadows on her face, and back side. Any other help is appreciated as well.



    I hope you dont mind... IF this were my image this is how I would have created the final product.  I did it quickly from the ipad so it isn't perfect by any means.  Just wanted to give you an idea of another version.



    Such minor details I know, but I like this version better. It's a little less square looking and brings the girl into the frame better for me. Everyone has a different style/look so you'll probably find someone who says just the opposite! Thanks for the edits!


    I personally think she should be lower and more left in the composition. It feels to centered for me. I also would have used a larger apateure to blur the background a touch more.

    The Race


    At an Airshow, a race between an Air Plane and a Jet Car.  The Starter waves the flag for the Jet car to go as the airplane approached the start line.  We then all piled into the Camero for recovery of the Jet Car.

    Go Team!


    Thanks David, I do actually have version where I've cropped out the boy and the girl on the left side. Yes I did desaturate the background for that very reason. As far as the tight crop on the bottom, thats my fault, I didn't compose the shot properly :)


    Thanks for the input!


    I love how you have captured her eyes. For me they make the photograph, Congrats. I personally am distracted by the way her arms are configured, can't quite make out the pose - Seems awkward to me. I'd crop them out if it were mine. 6/6
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