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Image Comments posted by raghuveermakala

  1. Pierre, Boeboe, John & Neil: Thanks for the kind comments!

    John: You don't need a 4WD. The Bisti badlands can be reached from Farmington via NM 371 for ~36mi and then a gravel road for < 2mi. Then it's a hike into the badlands. One needs to go at least 2mi in to see the interesting stuff. The main challenge is not the drive, but navigating oneself to points of interest. There are no marked trails and route-finding is difficult. That being said, one can wander away and come across many unusual formations. I had a handheld GPS and some co-ordinates that I pulled off from a German blog. I can email the links if you wish. It was a lot of fun hiking in there!

    Desert Sunset


    Great color and good composition!

    Can empathize with your story. Often the best laid plans don't pan out and a bit of improvisation is necessary. It all came out well in the end here! 

    Rainforest Canyon


    Congrats to Marc "again" for the POW!
    This shot is definitely beautiful and unique in it's own way! Of course, Marc has many many more eye-popping pics as anybody can see from his gallery.
    The "Elves" indeed picked a good pic as POW, as it has attracted lots of "different" comments and discussion....... They're mischievous indeed!



    Good shot! The white blown out regions at the top (left and right corners) are a bit distracting, but I see you couldn't avoid them as you wanted to get the converging lines of the roof. Just wondering how it'd look in a vertical composition....



    Hi Gregory,

    I tiptoed into your folder following your comment on my pic and was drawn to the water drop images. I like this one the most! It's very well composed and the the little sphere atop the cone is wonderful. Congrats!

    Dusk at Casapueblo


    Beautiful light, an amazing sky and the graceful pueblo make this a wonderful image. Congrats! I'd have included a little more of the sky at the top, but that's just nitpicking.

    the trilogy


    Nice composition. The small pond, tree, fog and the moon all compliment each other rather nicely to yield a great image. IMHO, it'd have been even better if you could include the pond in its entirety.... but this is just nitpicking! Congrats!

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