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Image Comments posted by raghuveermakala

    Moraine lake


    Unlike the usual horizontal composition, you're picture offers a nice and different perspective of an amazingly scenic place. I bet this would look great in color, as well. Well done!

  1. Beautiful shot with nice colors. The blurred flower in the background is a nice addition to the overall composition! One small thing though: It'd have been much nicer if the flower in the background wasn't cropped partially.

    Onomea Falls


    HDR made from 3 bracketed shots. Onomea falls is located within the

    peaceful Hawaiian tropical botanical gardens near Hilo on the Big

    Island of Hawaii. Critiques/comments requested. Thanks for looking!

  2. Thank you all for the kind comments!

    The chair was lying around to the side. I just placed it strategically to aid the composition and waited for the water to calm down. A few colorful clouds could have helped, but they decided to take a break that evening. This composition seemed to impart a sense of peace and calm to the overall reflection, mostly due to the chair on the boat dock. Glad, a few others like it as well!



    One of the many cascades on the aptly named, Beauty Creek in Jasper

    National Park. Critiques/comments requested. Thanks for your time!

    Basking Map Turtle


    Nice shot and a great pose by the Turtle! The background blur in the water looks great too. It'd have been much better if you got the complete reflection, especially the head.

  3. Very nicely done, Doug! And knowing all the details and hard work that went into making this image is very informative. Thanks for sharing. Other than the pew sneaking in at the lower left corner, I think it's very well composed. Congrats!

  4. Thanks for the kind comments!


    Alexander & Alf: Totally agree with what you say! It was truly breathtaking scenery that was quite difficult to capture on camera, mostly due to the extreme contrast differences in the bright peaks vs dark shadows. The HDR doesn't do justice to what I witnessed and the artifacts in the clouds and shadows are due to the HDR toning.

    It still made for a stunning print though :-) 

  5. Clearing storm on the Wenkchemna peaks and Moraine Lake at Sunrise.

    The contrast difference was extreme across different parts of the

    scenery despite using a ND grad filter. Finally did some HDR

    processing to get this result. Critiques/comments requested. Thanks

    for your time!

  6. Thank you all for the kind comments, Appreciate it!

    Alan: That precariously perched rock is about 3 feet wide. There are quite a few of those flat rocks/ stones lying around (having fallen off their perches) and they're quite heavy. I'm sure it won't be fun, if one comes tumbling down all of a sudden. I was at a safe 10-15 feet when I got this shot.

    " Twilight "


    Beautiful hues, color and wonderful composition make this a great shot!

    BTW, there appears to be a tiny dust speck at the top-left (directly above the rock).

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