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Image Comments posted by daverave



    I don't have a problem with the shutter speed although it would be nice if there was just a bit more of that green color amongst the white.  There is no right or wrong for an artist.



    Exfoliating bark and granite, from my most recent mountain backpack trip.  Please view larger and tell me how to improve this image (especially if you rate it as average or worse.)

    Passing Storm


    Spectacular clouds and wonderful composition.  I could see increasing the contrast in the foreground vegetation somewhat so that it can hold its own with the clouds.



    howdy, neighbor!  I think maybe a longer lens would have been my choice here to crop out the lights on the left, eliminate the ho-hum foreground, and bring more attention to the subjects of the composition which I assume are the bonsai rock and the milky way.  There's a bit of a CW rotation too. 

    If you still wanted to keep some of that light on the right side then you could just get the rock and milky way more off-center.

    Enders Falls


    Beautiful waterfall shot with just the right amount of motion.  My only suggestion might be to clone out that square object right in front of the brightest part of the image as it sort of breaks up the flow.  It's even a distraction for me on the uncropped version.

    Horse Tails


    They definitely have them in swampy areas back east... it was my favorite plant as a kid growing up in NJ.  I have some in my yard now but for some reason the domestic versions are just stalks, they don't get the frilly layers.

    Rock of Ages


    Superb image, Alf.  There's some vignetting on both sides that really doesn't bother me as it brings attention to the main mountain and the rocks.

  1. I'd crop this right where that "X" is on the right side of the far building to eliminate the bright whites on the right side and top.  Like the effect of this image other than that. 



    Love the light Sam and the image title (most of my images have similar names ;-)  Some people say that the reflection should never be brighter than the actual light but others say rules are meant to be broken... you decide!

    grand view


    Image with a lot of potential.  The left side is kind of dark relative to the right, almost like you've got your GND filter on sideways... I should know, I've done that ;-)  Other than that I like the composition.  I'd clone out that bright spot in the center of the ridge in the distance.

    Local Transport


    hey, Jim, I think it's pretty sharp for a handheld 300mm lens in early morning light!  ;-)  Thanks for taking the time to comment, your cropping suggestion makes sense, especially from the top.

  2. I don't remember, Ajay, why I framed it this way but I was on a moving boat myself and maybe the other images I took in this sequence (when he was on the left side) had some motion blur.  Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  3. Hi Jean, thanks for the comment!  In some ways I like the way the dove looks to be part of the landscape at least color-wise. 

    It would have been great if a cloud shadow had been behind the bird and branch but I was too nervous about the bird flying off before that happened.  I don't do a lot of bird images ;-)

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