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Image Comments posted by daverave

  1. That little bush dead center at the bottom distracts from the overall composition for me. It's as if it is the subject matter when I don't think that is your intent. I would have stepped a few feet closer and got it out of the frame and maybe made the yellow trees in the middle ground more prominent.


    All of that gray sky isn't doing much for the photo as well as that bit of tree branch. I'd crop it all out and get down to the subject matter: the plane! (and it's reflection.)
  2. It looks OK at thumbnail size until I click on it and then the pixelation becomes much too overpowering.


    EDIT: Oh, I guess that is just when I commented because when I click on "Larger" the resolution looks just fine.


    A bluer sky would have been a nice contrast. Did you try the same thing with more light on the foreground?

  3. Great place that I see photographed alot, I'll have to get there someday.


    For the time of day that you were there, it's a good image but obviously waiting a couple of hours would have softened the light some and increased the shadows. But I know how sometimes the timing just isn't right.


    The only other criticism would be the inclusion of the man-made wall of the overlook on the lower right corner of the shot. Unless there is some intent to provide scale or to contrast the man-made with the natural, which I doubt was the case here, I think it's better to avoid including this wall in this otherwise all-natural landscape. Just my two cents, keep up the good work.

    Alabama Hills

    Very nice; the sky and mountains are beautiful and sharp. I tend to agree that a little more foreground would be a plus. It is, after all, titled "Alabama Hills" and part of what makes the scenery there is the "weeds". I'm not one of those purists that thinks that cropping has to comply with some magic ratio.
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