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Posts posted by Stephen_Prunier

  1. <p>I have the same problem from time to time with my F100. I asked around and no one else has had the problem. For me it seems like it self fires when I have lowered the camera after taking a shot BUT not right after taking a shot myself and when it does it's like 3 frames at a time. If you find out anything solid about your problem can you let me know?</p>
  2. <p>To some degree those replying to the OP are "Professionals", myself included. When my Doctor, Lawyer or CPA start giving away their services I will consider giving away my Art Work. Until then I / We have bills to pay just like everyone else! In todays changing world of photography even Ansel Adams would have a difficult time trying to make a living from their Artwork. Like a lot of current "Top" Pro's they have to also Teach at workshops and some run tours. Most "Professional Photographers" have to juggle several hats just to make it work for them. I'm glad you don't take their money and are making your living doing something else. Maybe this week you can perform Your Job for free. How's that sound? Not to good I hope LOL I think we are complaining more about the scary shape that our country is in and how it's effecting our businesses and NOT are we good enough to sell our photo's. If you would be so kind to buy me a new Nikon D3x I would be more than happy to give you a free photo a year for the next 30 years! LOL </p>
  3. <p>I own 2 separate businesses. In addition to my Photography I am a Licensed Contractor (carpentry) here in MA. Between the economy & weather I worked 4 days in June as a carpenter! Because I am self employed the 16+ days that I didn't work are not counted as un-employed days! I bet there are a lot of others who fall into this category. With the Photography I also have become more open to allowing my work to be used on items that I never would have in the past like coffee mugs, magnets, messenger bags etc. As for the Carpentry? It is dying a slow painful death. A lot of home owners are trying to have work done for next to nothing and they will look the other way (unlicensed, uninsured, illegals) to save a few dollars. I have gone from building and working on multi million dollar homes with a crew of 3 employees, to taking work from a property management company who will pay me 20% more than the types previously mentioned and to working alone!</p>
  4. <p>I drive by Eastman Gelatin/Kodak, 3-4 times a week were they make chemicals for Kodak here in MA. I never see anyone around the property when I drive by but I can tell there is work still taking place. Years ago they employed quite a few people and if you drove by you would always see some of them. Unlike most I still haven't purchase a digital camera yet, but I will need to soon as I start offering more services with my photography business. I'm currently winding down (hopefully) my carpentry/painting business do to the economy. The drastic changes in the work force, and what a lot of homeowners will except in order to save a little money. It just makes it to hard to run my business in a safe and legal manner and still make a living. I feel for anyone who has lost their job. I know it's been said before, but it sure wouldn't hurt any of the film companies to start spending money on advertising again. Like Kodak did with Bob Krist. I bet most kids up to the age of 12 have no idea what film is.</p>
  5. <p>I do all my own film developing. B&W and E-6 I then scan, print or upload to my site. When I need it to be the best print quality I use a local lab. I'm holding out as long as I can when it comes to buying a DSLR. Unless it becomes the "only" method for submiting images I will use film and my current methods. If I have to make the switch at least my lenses will work now.</p>
  6. I have a copy of his book Inner Game of Outdoor Photography. It is a bunch of his articles from his time writting for OP. There are some really good lessons in it. He shows a lot of his true personality in the book. I wish I had the chance to meet him. I love his work and miss him. They say his wife was a wonderful person too.
  7. FM2n Black w/ 28mm F2 AIS. I had the F3, BUT it got destroyed in a flood, along with the lenses, SB16, slides, neg's etc. That was 8 years ago. I just started up again about a year ago.
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