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Image Comments posted by ivan_scipiades

  1. I only noticed the flower after you mentioned it. (I was looking the small version) and it gave really a new meaning to the picture. Sorry. I am looking forward the eventual reposts. Regards
  2. For me not quite convincing. I miss the space especially above the little girls head, but also beneeth the legs. What was your purpose? If you wanted to show wandering of a little man in a big misterious word (judging by the proverb written in the photo) than it might be worth showing that big misterious garden.The difference of sizes (little man - big garden) perhaps could be better shown in the vertical dimension, eventually from a higher point of view - IMO. Or have I totally misunderstood?


    Very original. Whith the amount of mystery needed for every good painting. (A small something in the upper right is distracting.) Congratulations.



    Reflections of stairs in the shiny metal roof over them at the

    entrance of an office building.


    What cought my eyes was repetition and modification of graphic

    elements + the joyful terra cotta counterpointed with blue in the

    bottom left corner and blazed up by gold in the upper right.


    What is your impression? I will appreciate if you share it.


    That is great. I like the fine rythm in this pic. Almost identic parallel stripes in only one colour and it is still not monotonous. Is it a shot of venetian blinds? Regards



    Denise, thanks for your kind words. I am happy you like my works because I am getting doubts about them. Yes, when I was making them I was weghing the different elements of the picture thoroughly, so that they were in balance. But now I ask if these photos are not static. What static is, that is dull.

    As for PS, I am also a beginner, but I share my "knowledge" with pleasure. Cheers. Ivan

    Field Poppy

    Poetic but I miss a little the reds of the poppies. I tried enhancing the red shades by adjusting levels in the red and green channels and/or increasing a bit the saturation of the red colour and I am satisfied. Hope you don,t mind. So I will shoot poppies like yours for myself. Thanks for showing.

    Bubbles on blue


    Congratulations, Erwin, really refreshing. And nice composition. I played a bit with it in PS, boosted a tad the greens in the bottom left corner (selection + levels - green chanel and/or saturation) and I liked the result. For me turning the photo 180 degrees would make it more stable with the dark (=heavy) patch in the bottom and light ones in the upper part. Is this the original orientation?

    This is the first photo with lemon to inspire me to make one for myself. Thanks for showing. Ivan

  3. Answering to your question tilting works very well, it gives dynamizm to an otherwise static (straight narrow empty) street. Without tilting the perfect symmetry would be just dull.


    The car is an absolute must as a strong focal point in the foreground.


    Excellent photo. Congrats.

  4. Pierre, I like the darks and highlights and the leaning of the cross. Is the pink cast the result of editing or white balance setting? Tell me please, what was your purpose with leaving the top of a tree in the bottom right corner? Me as an amateur would have cropped it out. Regards
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