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Image Comments posted by ivan_scipiades



    Does the big black solid mass in the right make the photo tilt

    to the right? Or does the filigran bar balance it? IMO yes, what is

    a great surprise for myself. Or am I mistaken? How do you feel?


    Poppies are usually shot either out of focus or backlit for soft lyric impression. (Besides what else can be done on a plain field?) So, I tried to make a strong composition. How does it work on you? Please share your feelings

    Deep Fried Tofu

    hi Albert. You really seem to have at least one robotrater. But it is not enough to hope that administrators will act, it is quicker if you write a mail to abuse@photo.net and inform them of the suspected name. If it proves to be a robot, they will delete it after 2 or 3 days along with its rates. So you need not delete your photo with the normal rates and comments. I have it done like that twice. You can check your raters yourself. If you find that a "person" is a very fresh member (one or two days of membership) has not posted any photo and any comment but rated hundreds of photos (especially if almost all the highest rated are nudes), than it is probably a robot. You should check the suspected "member.s" rates number for several times a day and if you find that the number raises by several hundreds in a couple of hours than you can be almost sure it is a robot. You cn also find the suspected "meber,s" rates slightly diminishing between two checks. That will be the sign that others have alredy informed the administration and they began deleting the robot,s rates. Nevertheless you write a mail even in such situaton. It is not only your interest. The first generation of such robots rated highly almost exclusively nudes, and almost all the other rates given by them were very low. The new generation is more sophisticated. Regards

    Stain b2


    You joking? You must have taken these stain series in my country, Hungary (Central Europe) where after communizm and a long and deep economic crisis roof leak in a state university or hospital is quite normal. But in the rich USA? If you say that this is spagetti splashed on the wall by studenst just for fun I will believe it easier.:P

    This Stain b2 is the most colourful of all, so I like here the colours. The composition could be improved. The horizontal dividing line is almost in the middle, so I would try to crop from the top, so that the line go up to the 2/3 of the height of the photo. Then I would crop from left and right (more than from left), so that the rectangle be proportional.


    I like even more Stain 2 and Stain 1 from the series A. I played around with a2 in PS. Turned it uppside down (the bigger portion of spagetti be in the lower part of the pic - your original is top heavy). Increasing contrast (with Levels) and saturation, and cropping the top and bottom. The result is a fine abstract. The same (levels and saturation) done with A1, and rotated it 90 degrees clockwise - just for having a shot in which the horizontal lines dominate rather than the verticals as in A2.




    P.S. Is it stll leaking? :)

    Looking Down

    Your photo does not look like a spoiled one, and it has something of the atmosphere of a rainy day in town - I had that feeling before having read your explanation. The only minus for me is the distracting red-blue-darkblue pattern in the bottom left, in the black stripe. IMO it would be worth cloning them out. So the answer on your question is YES.
  1. Usually I believe that less is more but in this case I find the cropping too tight and am missing the 3 blue curves cut. As I have not made anything like that I can not judge how difficult was to take this photo. regards
  2. Hi, I like it. And would align the verticals. (As you know). ;-) Or at least crop out the far left vertical black line (which runs from top to the horizontal middle line of the photo), then the perspective distortion would be less visible. The photo has some fareastern atmosphere. what is it? Best regards Ivan

    Photopainting 2

    Biliana, thanks for your kind words. Border? It is my first photo I uploaded without border and I got your strong ciritiques in five minutes for the lack of the border. :) Yes, I also thought of it, and also thought that the colours and the main motive are strong enough to work even w/o border. It turns out to be a mistake? I promise to make something. Best regards. Ivan
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