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Posts posted by amund_aaeng

  1. Jon Noble wrote:

    "Im no expert but i know when ive underdeveloped.

    Its when you get a lot of clear areas on every neg i.e. no shadow detail."


    Uh, that is not correct. When you get lots of clear areas(no shadow detail) it`s always a sign of underexposure, not underdevelopment.


    Developmnet mostly affects highlights, a underdeveloped neg will be very flat and dull.

  2. I recommend development tubes from JandC http://www.jandcphoto.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=222

    Very easy to use, and you don`t need a darkroom, they are easy to load in a changing bag. Buy an extra cap for every tube, that makes everything easier. When developing you have the extra cap ready with chemicals in it, and quickly change the caps, this you can do in a normal room with the lights switched off, the tube acts as a light-trap. If you can barely see your hands, it`s about dark enough. I once opened the tube with the lights on, before fixing, and the film wasn`t fogged...

  3. Paul, there must have or still are variations in Shen-Haos QC, as I have no problems whatsoever with mine, all movments positive and smooth and the finish is very nice. All knobs captive, the camera gives a sturdy impression.
  4. You cannot reuse the developer, it`s meant to be used one-shot(I belive it can be reused with replensihment though..)


    The stop and fix can be reused. Most stop-baths change color when exhusted, and one litre of fix I normally use for about ten rolls.

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