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Posts posted by amund_aaeng

  1. I`d say starting out with a that wide lens, will be a though start for LF. Dim groundglass and *very* hard to focus for a LF-beginner.

    Buy a 135-180mm lens instead, it`ll make for a much enjoyable experience, eventually rent/borrow a wide lens to try before commiting to anything.

  2. I have a ETRs and I`m VERY happy. As I shoot mostly handheld, the quick and smooth focusing of the 75mm PE is a godsend.

    I sold a HB 500 C/M with a 80mm CT* for the Bronica and couldn`t be happier. The stiff focusing of the HB-lens made it unusable to me, my rate of sharp shots on a roll has increased dramatically. The Bronica lenses are *really* sharp.

  3. You should develop you films yourself, really!


    "I have no time - and not enough experience - to do it myself"


    You can develop and fix and wash 4 films in 30 minutes,no problem.

    You have time to print, you`ll find time to develop too. And it`s easy to do. No excuse.


    By not doing your own development you loose all control. Waste of time IMO...

  4. Robert Vonk, when attaching example images for the films you sell, try posting someting that actually looks good, your attatched image is very pixelated and IMO looks very bad, and it could hurt your sales.

    I don`t have a good experience with R3, but my pictures didn`t come out *that* bad...


    Any idea what developer I should try with the two rolls I got? I don`t want to buy some expensive Rollei developer ony for two rolls...

  5. There are no typical filter size. But go for something like the Cokin P system, pretty flexible and you can get cheap adapters for any size.

    You`re not thinking screw-in graduated ND`s are you? Totally useless IMO..


    As for lenses, stop thinking in 135-format terms, that doesn`t really work... Concentrate one one good lens in the beginning and take it from there, is my advice.

  6. Bob, I`ve looked at every post Simon has made since April,and can`t find any post that says what you say.

    The last post he`s mentioning Delta 25 is made May 23 :


    "New products already raised to project level ( but with no final go/no go )

    or production schedules are a 25 asa Delta Film ( this would NOT replace PAN F + ) and a Multigrade Cooltone Fibre Base, I will communicate more info on these when it is available."


    Would you mind finding the post where he clearly says there will be no Delta 25, Bob? I can`t find it...

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