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sky blue

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Image Comments posted by sky blue

  1. ...the memories this conjours... Mine remained, but felt like it wouldn't. Really I am here admiring much of your portfolio... This one just made me tingle when I crossed it's path. For sharing them all with us, thank you!


    I liked your shot of "Spook and Ghost" too. Hope these two make a pair of good dogs. By the way they are named, "Trick and Boo". Boo is in the background.



    Bravo Sanjeev Raman! Bravo!

    Nice job and nice efforts Amey and I cannot critique professionally but I like seeing these boats. Without your photos, I'd never know they existed. Thanks for posting.


    I know the feeling exactly. These are my new pups. I just lost an old faithful dog that I had for almost 15 years this Summer. These pups will have a lot to learn if they even hope to come close to that old dog. Thanks for your comment.


    Blk & Wht is on its way... In fact was working on it last night and hope to post soon... I was actually surprised how well blk & wht works for shadow pictures. I also think it's time to invest in a high-speed connection... (These photos take awhile to upload now that I'm enjoying it so much.) Thank ya'll for the positive comments or you all, which ever you prefer... ;)


    Makes one wonder about the meaning. I see the angelic imagery but with that title I almost expect a more spirit-like image. Maybe somewhat transparent for the model. I do see some kind of Medieval princess with some kind of super-power. I like the image and the contrast in colors and imagery.


    I like this yet something in this shot says there is an extrordinary image here. I'm not sure what will bring it out. The contour and what is revealed seems almost perfect. Maybe a less brilliant red frame. I don't know for sure how to change it but this is a nice image.
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