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sky blue

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Image Comments posted by sky blue

  1. It is great to find time to ponder life. Funny, I find that just when I start feeling and thinking creatively that my time runs out. Such is life. We'll have to squeeze in more of this activity this Summer. (maybe it will result in more great photos) I will have to get busy, my hammock is in need of repair. ~Sky
  2. This was a funny shot. I couldn't help but grin when I walked out and saw them. It was one of the first cool evenings they had experienced and they all climbed into a box on the porch; to stay warm I'm sure. As for wild, the middle gray cat really is and has remained that way. I was surprised to see her in the midst.
  3. Kim this was an interesting shot. Sadly it doesn't happen anymore as this hen met her end with some bad dogs. As for the almost daily ritual, I'm not sure how it started but she began laying her eggs in the feed trough and I guess one thing led to another. My son came running in to imform me the first time and it became a regular routine. Finally thought to grab the camera. The horse never seemed bothered by it. And thank you for your interest and comments. Guess we could type critiques for hours, there are so many good photos on PN. Have a great and safe 4th.


    But this is very sad to me... Maybe you could super-impose a pumpkin or palace or glass slipper or something to give it more of a Cinderella feel. As is, I have to say hit-and-run.

    Tierd Wolverine

    Unless you are at a zoo or had a telephoto lens, this had to have been a difficult shot to get, or maybe a stroke of luck. I'm presuming it didn't arouse from it's tired state. 7/7
  4. I think this is the best kind of feeling outdoors. I think the folks of pre-history must have spent lots of time here. Congrats for apparently being a regular achiever of it... 7/7 (idea, albiet a bad one, maybe... Next time maybe you can float the camera back on a tripod and remote the whole shot... just don't lose your camera ;{)


    and I thank you very much for commenting. The folder got deleted and I'm having to rebuild it. Thanks for asking about it. "This is the life" whenever there's time to do it. By the way, I really enjoy peeking into your portfolio and seeing each new exposure.


    and I like it, but very dangerous for it to remain like this over time. (if it is unattended) If and when the hydraulics leak back into the tank. The machine can collapse and this on top of any unsuspecting person that may find themself below and sadly a chiropractor may not be sufficient for the job. Just have operated a lot of these machines and while this one looks like it is relatively new and in good shape, one can never fully trust the hoses and seals to be in good shape. You be careful Tiina if you go back for more photos. Even with an operator inside, the bucket can shift and put him on his side... (But it is a hard thing to resist doing this once in a while) I would never leave one like this and especially where kids might be. Sorry to get so carried away... Sincerely, Sky
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