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sky blue

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Image Comments posted by sky blue

  1. Okay then, well this is what I know... strange little tree frogs with yellow and white bellies... I've not really noticed them until recently. They seem to be having a boon this year. I've already stumbled onto three of them. They are much dryer than they appear and they stick to almost any surface. I always thought jungle for these guys. I don't think he was really after the little wood ant. (Smiling) guess that's everything I know about the little critter... Reckon these may actually qualify as "Toadfrogs" because I can't tell if they are toads or frogs... well there you go, another mystery. ~Sky


    The colors and presentation of the petals in your flower folder are extraordinary. Therefore I have to say the upper yellow in this shot works well with your style. The flower looks beautiful either way. The hint of yellow makes this the image look beautiful and reveals your style. ~Sky
  2. I can imagine them being some alien structures... they are standing so straight. Well maybe more like dwellings in some Dr. Zeuss story. Nice colors and background. Maybe some butterflies will land there before they leave.
  3. You are very kind and an inspiration. Thank you. New camera? Someday soon I hope. As for the wanderlust, it's tough when almost everywhere has greener grass than here. No, I can't say I don't like it here, I think really I just catch travelin' fever from time to time. And all the interesting places on PN don't help matters any. ~Sky


    How do we forget the journey we've been on and somehow reached the place we are today? I love the intimate stare that these two seem to be sharing. This picture is nice without distracting colors. It seems to give it a message. It is a picture that makes me feel like they are simply amazed with thoughts of all the wonderful possibilities of their futures. Of course that's just what it says to me. Thanks for sharing it. Their eyes pondering one another will make it a classic in my opinion.
  4. Well I hate to give away my secrets... and here's why: (whispering) it was an accident. I took it from an elevated location and it was almost dark. When I zoomed in, I suppose the light was depleted much like when using cheap binoculars in low light conditions and trying to see anything. The actual photo was black. I couldn't even remember the horse was in it. With PS. I made an adjustment to the contrast and low and behold a horse appeared and the way it was standing and the color, it just reminded me of something from some Indian conflict. I really didn't even think it was that good. I've been surprised that it brought so much attention. I just liked the look myself and was so surprised to find the horse under the black image that I posted it. Thanks for you and the others who have helped me realize that it was a good decision not to delete it.
  5. I find it strange that with one of my own photos I have not noticed the dark branch until you have mentioned it. I am thankful for your critical eye and your comments. I think I always just focused on the moon and since it's such familiar location to me, I just failed to spot it. I do remember thinking about the other Cottonwoods when I was cropping but now I am going to get busy and put your suggestion to work. As for the city and country thing, I've done both and they each have their benefits. Having to choose, I'm sure I'd stick with the country. The money in the city is nice but the headaches are better left to the youth of this world. I suffer from wanderlust though, so I have trouble staying put anywhere for too long. (Not sure if there is a cure for it) Anyway, thanks again for using your time looking at my feeble photos. I am afraid that I'm hoping to get lucky photos rather than figuring out how to make good photos. Maybe a new camera will correct my viewpoint on this notion someday. ~Sky

    Sea & Sky

    Wish you had more like these posted. Fantastic colors and imagery. I see mermaids experiencing their new legs and filled with excitement as they come ashore. Just my views though. Very good image. ~Sky
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