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Image Comments posted by tails

    Katrina & Bosman

    Thanks for the tip on the photoshopping :) I am aware I can do that, but with so many photos to do it would take ages! But I'm going to re-edit these photos again tomorrow (and I work mainly in Lightroom :))


    I like both B&W and the colour. The B&W might look better with a bit more contrast for a bit more punch though :) Stunning girl :D



    A Bridal Session where the bride, one year down the line, wanted

    photos of her in her dress on her horse, Bosman. Cloud cover made

    exposure difficult as either the dress and sky were properly exposed,

    or the horse. Never both! :(


    C&C welcome thanks!

    Keighlin Ross

    Lol well yes, especially so close to the railway itself :P But this was more a play on the "cliche hitchhiking shot" from another discussion but good observation :P

    Keighlin Ross


    C&C welcome. Was a fashion shoot on a yacht, and this was one of

    the shots we got after the shoot was done and we were leaving the

    yacht club.

  1. None with the whole arch in view unfortunately. The hand was purposeful, in the way its supposed to balance out the crop of the feet/dress. I will upload a similar shot which is about as close to what you suggested as possible :) Thanks for taking the time to comment, its appreciated.
  2. Please comment, and apologies for the untidy background (ie

    door/security fencing) it was unavoidable and I did try choose the

    best position when taking the photo.


    PS: A Matric Dance is the equivelant of a USA's "Prom" :)

  3. Um, she had a stylist work on her hair. Her hair is DEAD straight, nothing you can do with it will keep it in an up-style. In the trial runs she had crimping, hairspray, curling iron, everything done and nothing worked. She had a butterfly-diamond clip at the back, so it was still classy, yet simple.
  4. Thanks for the compliment :)


    About the chocolate, unlike dogs and other animals, small amounts of chocolate is actually beneficial to rats and can help ease troubled breathing for short periods of time. The more "pure" the chocolate (higher cocoa percentage) the better). In this photo, she's actually eating a sunflower seed coated in chocolate, which are their own treats and she got none of my chocolate :P

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