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Image Comments posted by tails


    This is a sweet photo :) You've captured such expression in his (her?) face. I think the rest is a little overexposed, which is unfortunate :(
  1. This is stunning!! Simply stunning! I know many are secretive about their tactics, but it would be great if you could explain (however briefly) how you achieved the black background. I'd love to try it on my dogs and rats! I thought at first it must have been nighttime, but the reflection in the eyes show daytime...


    Awwww! Incidently, did you know rats cannot actually properly digest milk (its the same for any animal -humans included- except the cow). If your rat starts itching excessively, it could be too much protein intake, too much dairy intake, or mites :)


    Love this shot! The eyes are tack sharp, and the expression priceless! Knowing how quickly they move and how tricky rat-photography is, I understand about the fuzzy feet (no pun intended :P)



    Hi Clive


    Thanks for the comment on my photo :) I would have loved placement for it to "move into" but alas, it was moving too fast haha. And yes, very happy I went on Saturday hehe :)


    This photo is great with regards to comp and lighting :) Well done!

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