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Image Comments posted by tails

  1. I have to be honest and say I dont like this photo very much. The subject is fine (nice bum :P) but the overall quality of the image doesnt look that great. I think the first thing that catches my eye is the slight out of focus of the image. Next is the elbow to the left and the little white speck just below...rather distracting. I'm also not sold on the composition, but thats my personal preference.


    Hope you didnt mind my honest critique.


    Love this shot, and your client should as well! I didnt even notice the tattoo until Steven pointed it out haha...that would be my only gripe but you've done a good job to make it blend into the background :)


    Love this shot, the comp and lighting are superb...BUT (isnt there always a but :P) I find the gold earring very distracting, and the focus on her mouth is a little soft (slight motion blur perhaps?). Otherwise stunning :)

    Home Sweet Athens


    Hi there :) I dont think its cheating, as Photoshop and other editing tools are the "darkroom" for digital images. I shoot in RAW and always edit photos in Lightroom and Photoshop, but I do believe there is a line between just enough and too much.


    I think saturating colours is ok, so long as its not overdone to the point where it looks unrealistic (unless thats what you're going for), as well as changing the WB and exposure.


    Extras like sharpening and selective colouring are more "playing" tools than "darkroom" tools, so to me, those are closer to "cheating" than editing WB, exposure, etc.


    On that note, I say lovely image, but I feel quality has been lost either through hue changes, too much saturation, or maybe it was taken with digital zoom as opposed to optical as it seems a little pixellated and blockly. But otherwise a lovely image :)

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