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Image Comments posted by tails

    Rust 3

    Nice. The only thing I'm not fond of, is the large bit of pink in the bottom right-hand corner...since I saw it, it's very distracting. Nice pic otherwise. I like doing abstract like this too.

    6am Dew


    This is one I took a year or two ago. It is completely unmanipulated

    in as far as the actual photo goes. Obv the border, name, and date

    were added in later (I dont think it changes the manipulation status

    on the photo?). I'd like to know what you think, so please, if you

    rate (esp a low one) please follow with a comment. I appreciate it :)

  1. Funny you should mention that he looks disinterested, as it was actually the other way around: she wasn't interested in having the photo's taken. I did do it in b&w but it took some effect away from it, so I left it in colour. Thanks ;)
  2. Ohhh! Well, that makes sense! I wasnt aware ppl actually did that. Um, there were 2 things, but I can only think of one now, and that is, the pattern just behind your chin is a bit distracting. That was the one, and I cant, for the life of me, think what the 2nd one was! But, I still like the photo.
  3. Well, I suppose it's a good thing I read your comment before I posted mine, as I had maybe 2 things I would've changed. But, since you dont want to know those type of things, I'll just say nice pic, I wouldn't have guessed it was a self-portrait done with a timer :)

    feathers and steel

    I had to comment on this picture, as it was such a "grabbing" one to me. I love the fact that you've mixed hardness and softness into one colourful yet subtle photograph. Wow.
  4. I think its better with no one sitting there. That is almost a cliche, although its very nice. I think this picture concentrates on the markings on the floor and the detail in the window panes. Excellent and good luck for future shots. I believe you show good potential.
  5. Thank you for your comment. I agree wholey about the sharpness! Unfortunately, this bride wasn't too keen on having photo's taken (as she was pregnant) and everything had to be rushed. As I wasnt the "hired" photographer, this was a good test for me without having the pressure to deliver.


    I like this. I think I'll try something similar later today. If you retry this one sometime, try capturing a water dropping into the shotglass so the water is rippled....that would make an interesting picture. Good job.


    I think the space on the left is perfect, but the little bit of her mouth I can see, I'm not too fond of (personal opinion), but as a photograph, its really well done!


    Wow. Autumn is my favourite season and this depicts it perfectly. I love the blurred leaves in the foreground! Excellent.
  6. I love the colour in this picture. Its a well-taken shot and the honey-bee is the cherry on top! The border also gives it a finishing touch. I too love to take pictures of flora, so keep me in mind if you like rating flora photos. Again, beautiful photograph.


    I like it. The grayscale suits it (although colour would probably have given it a whole different feel), and the rippled water gives me a sense of warmth and cosiness. I've tried shots like this and I never have a nice clean window through which to shoot. The fact that the doorway is just off center just completes it. Wonderful picture!
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