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lightwriting by swapan

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Posts posted by lightwriting by swapan

  1. Albert/Kent...


    Thanks for the replies. I did not realize that rating was so darn important to us that we would give our limbs to get it ! I think I can live with that rule now that I have a valid answer!


    That said, why rating is not abolished altogether ? It is a hobby forum, right ? We can enjoy comments more than numbers as Albert pointed out !


    Thanks again


    Swapan Chaudhuri

  2. I was rating a photo shot by a person I know. It was a very

    difficult to get wildlife shot of a rare species of monkey. I have

    tried in the past numerous times to shoot the monkey but did not get

    any acceptable result ! I was naturally very happy to see that he

    did a commendable job.When I wanted to rate it after writing my

    critique, , a message popped up, saying that the owner of this photo

    has rated me a 7 on 2 photos in last 14 days so I cant give him a

    7 ! what kind of crap is this ? I was not even aware of the fact

    that he has rated my photos I have not even given for rating and

    critique !


    I feel violated ! If we think that rating is to be controlled that

    way, may be the photo.net should abolish the rating altogether ! I

    can't judge and rate a photo as per my evaluation just because the

    owner evaluated my photo with the same rating ? It was just a

    coincidence that he came up with a picture I liked ! Also,

    everything is kosher after 14 days ? I just dont get it !


    My life, career and profession do not depend on this rating ( not

    does the photographer's) and I think the moderators are going a

    little too far to prevent back scratching and back biting ! When are

    they going to start telling us what rating to be given ?


    I hope someone gives me a good explanation for this rule !


    This was the picture I wanted to rate





    Swapan Chaudhuri.

  3. Thanks, everybody, for your kind responses and information.



    I have just booked a room in the Skyview Hotel in Farrisburg on Rt 7 which is between Burlington and Middleburry. I plan to fly to Burlington, stay in this hotel,then go either north or south on Rt. 7 based on advise obtained from you guys and locals.



    My stay is from Oct.5th to Oct 10th. Is this a reasonably right location or do I need to go and stay up or down to get the full benefit of color change ?



  4. Please dont kill me. I know there are tons of info. available on the

    net about it but I am still unable to decide what to do. I have

    bought some books /maps but still need some basic questions

    answered. Thanks


    1) When is the best time to go.

    2) Where to go, I will be flying from Atlanta. So, go straight to

    Vermont or go to NY and then drive up to shoot some while traveling ?

    3) Minimum time needed to justify the trip

    4) Where to stay, reasonable price, close to good locations.

    5) Is it safe to be photographing and going off road alone ?

    6) Are there some tips to take full advantage of the trip ?


    Please try to answer these questions and help me.


    Thanks again.



    Swapan Chaudhuri.

  5. Jamie


    I think so. I tried Image rescue 2.0 from Lexar, then bought 2 different software from online to salvage the images. Nothing worked.

    Sent it to Lexar. They could not do it either. My card came back with a note that there was an electrical failure !


    One time though, I was able to rescue the images with a free online software with another card !


    BTW, I got my card back from Lexar, sent by overnight mail. Hope it behaves but I really can't trust it ! In the meantime, I bought a Sandisk Untra III 2GB card . Let me see if my luck is better with Sandisk !

  6. Thanks everybody for your replies.


    I am going to try tomorrow combining all of the suggestions above !


    Larry, I pretty much agree with you about the root cause of the problem. No, they dont allow tripod, unless you pay $ 150 for one hour and have a prior appontment. I tried Monopod the other day-it was completely useless for me. First time I tried a monopod and that was probably the last time !


    Thanks again, everybody. I will post my results, whatever they are!

  7. Anupam,


    I agree with what you said about the techniclities of flash exposure but I am not sure it is a double exposure due to ambient light being high ! Even the shots I tried with Av mode were all blurry ! Most of the backgrounds were pitch dark as the ambient exposure was 4-5 stops below median, makinf the flash the primary source! I guess the Canon uses evaluative metering in this situation (refereing to the picture I posted, not what I just described) and uses a fill flash reduction algorithm to obtain correct exposure of the foreground, right ? won't all the fill flash pictures be blurry then ?





    I dont know whether the pictures were out of focus or not ! I used auto focus which locked solidly. The sensor plane was almost parallel to the wingas and hence, 5 mm should have been enough to get at least something in focus while in this picture, everything is blurry! I still think it was a shaken shot due to my lack of steadiness ! Normally, I never shoot without a tripod !


    Now back to my question. Will it work what I am planning to do ? As I described in my original post ?



  8. Friends,


    Last week I was in Callaway garden in GA, trying to shoot

    butterflies with the following setting.


    1Ds/180mm 3.5L lens/Macro twin flash 24EX. ISO was set to 200/400

    As they dont allow tripods, I was shooting handheld.

    On manual mode, I used 1/250, f 5.6-11, used FEL when ranges

    permitted and used FEC whenever I thought was appropriate.


    Out of approx. 150 shots, how many did I keep ? None! Zero ! Nada !

    Zilch !


    Exposure was fine. Every picture was blurry due to the shake from

    hand holding the camera ! I am disappointed but not shocked as I

    somewhat knew it ! While shooting, I could see the motion through

    the viewfinder but I was hoping at least a couple will turn out

    good !


    Here is an example !


    So, this is what I am planning.


    I will take my 70-200 2.8L and put my 500D in firont of it. Instead

    of my macro flash, I will use my 550EX with a stofen diffuser.


    I am going to use high speed sync in FP mode and use a shutter speed

    around 4000 to minimize shake ! I will check that the flash range

    covers the distance. I will use FEL and FEC as and when necessary !


    I am expecting the IS to help me get better shot and the 500D will

    give me a closer range. I do have a 25 mm extension tube but I know

    it wont give me much more magnification !


    I will try to shoot only the resting butterflies.


    Will this work ? If not, I dont want to make another trip to a place

    12o miles away and waste my day !


    Suggestions please.


    BTW, you can shoot with tripods in callway garden if you book in

    advance, pay $ 150 for one hour (9 AM to 10 AM ) ! I cant afford it !<div>00C70L-23360184.jpg.43f8a2da8cc2f329b38bfdc865fedcc8.jpg</div>

  9. I think I will go foe the 40X card and return the 80X. I guess I am stuck with the 2GB 80X Lexar is going to replace(2nd time).


    The problem is that the card can go corrupt any time. First time I lost a whole days work in rain and ice as the camera showed Error 02 when I was on my 102nd shot and there was space for only one more shot !


    Should I buy some Sandisk ? The Ultra III is N/A with B/H. Anybody with good experience with Sandisk ?



  10. Beau, you were on the money !


    I wish I had an Mk II ! B/H dont have it otherwise I would have traded in my 1Ds before I go for my vacation !


    Yes, both the corrupted 80X cards had WA.


    Mack, I have a suspicion that I am going to be in trouble with the 2 80X cards ! I am off to India in 2 weeks for 6 weeks and the last thing I need is a CF card full of images of once in a lifetime gets corrupted there ! I have already lost some very important pictures(more than 100 ) with the 2 GB 80X card ! Lexar themselves could not recover the images !


    I already got an RMA from B/H. Should I just return it and get a 40X card ? What difference will it make ? Will it take more time for the 1Ds to write after a shot or it only pertains to transfer to the computer ?

    thanks everybody !

  11. I am posting it here asI am not sure what is at fault, the camera or

    the CH card !

    I just received a Lexar 1 GB CF 80X card and put it in my camera.

    For a few seconds it showed the no. of pictures that could be taken

    and then, the camera started flashing Error 02. Tired it in a second

    camera which takes CF card(Minolta)same result.


    A couple of days ago, my other 2 GB 80X CF card from Lexar showed

    the same error(for the 2nd time) and I sent it back to Lexar for

    replacement. Now, I am wondering what could be wrong ! All my other

    cards are 40X and 32X and they work fine with the 1Ds. This makes me

    guess that the 80X write speed is the problem ! Or, is it the 1Ds

    that cant handle the card ?


    I am sending the card back to B and H ! But, can somebody shed some

    light on it ?


    BTW, I called Canon tech support and as usual, the guy had no clue !

    He read from the manual and told me to format the card. When I told

    him that the camera wont do anything with Error 02 he was lost and

    suggested I return the card !

    Any input will be appreciated.

  12. Still in the process. Finished refreshing one battery for 3 times (charging/discharging) and about 5 minutes ago, have put it in the camera. The 2nd and 3rd are undergoing the cycles.


    Will report in a few days. The problem is I am working next five days (night shift) and hence, wont have much time to shoot as days are terrible after ongoing night shifts !

  13. Frank


    Thank you for your response ! I am going to try that !


    You know I am such a dedicated Canon user-I have never bought anything from a third party (other than my filters) but you have just given me the "go". I looked at the 3rd party battery the other day and thought-Ha ! more mAh and half the price ! Why would B and H sell crap ? But now, I think I will order one today !


    I will charge and refresh all 3 of my CANON batteries the way you described. In 2 weeks,I am going to India for a 6 weeks trip and I will shoot extensively. As I wont be sure whether my batteries are performing OK or not before leaving, I will have that 3rd party battery as an insurance policy as I know I will be out of luck in the Himalayas if I want to buy a battery !


    Just to add to my misery one of my 2 Gb card (LEXAR-80X) has just failed while I was trying to test my sensor after cleaning. 2nd time in two months! All my 1 GB cards are fine ! Is it just my luck that everything is falling apart prior to my trip ?


    Just whinning on a Monday morning ! I am on my fifth day of 5 days off from work ! Have to go tomorrow ! Ugh !

  14. Thanks Guys,


    For your answers.


    Michael, I refresh them every once in a while but not before every charge. I was told not to do so. How many shots you can expect from one battery? With or without MLU ?


    Andrew, I am an ametuer and have a full time job man, I dont do too much photography(I wish I could!). I really dont think none of my batteries have been recharged more than 20 times!


    Beau, are not these batteries NI-MH, supposed to be having no memory effect ?


    Anyway, I will try refreshing on every charge and will see what happens !

  15. In last two years, I have bought 2 batteries in addition to the one

    that came with the camera. I last one I bought was less than a year


    Al my batteries now are almost dead. They wont last for more than a

    couple of dozen shots. I use mirror lock in almost all my shots but

    I do not make long exposures(a couple of secs. occassionally) very



    Why are my batteries dying ? What am I doing wrong ? BTW, my camera

    switches off in 2 minutes when not in use.


    Please help.



  16. I have an 1Ds, about 2 yrs old. Shot about 5000 images. Thinking to upgrade(you know the itch and I am a compulsive buyer !)Any good chance to have a good trade in offer from a reputable store ? I know I cant win though !Any sense in it ? I am a serious ametuer but that's all !


    Should I just stick to my old 1Ds ?

  17. None of the top stores have it. I mean B and H, Adorama etc. Now

    there are online venodrs, one advertising it for $ 5600(approx)

    which has to be a scam !




    What is the deal ? Where can I find a reputable store to have a look

    at it ? I normally buy from B/H only but they are out for a long

    time now.


    Any info on when will it be freely available ? thanks

  18. Incidentally, my experience is exactly of Jim's. If you can afford it, nothing beats Singh-ray! I have their almost the whole range and there is NO color shifting in any of them. The warming circular polarizer with color intensifier and the the variable ND filters are unique. The graduated NDs are precise and accurate ! Yes, they are pricey but they are the best ! All my other B+W. Heliopan, etc. are gathering dust !
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