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lightwriting by swapan

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Posts posted by lightwriting by swapan

  1. Yaron,


    Too much to rent !


    I also believe it is mainly my poor technic but a better lens with same technic should statisticallly give a better picture.


    This is my theory..."everything else remaining constant, the quality of an image is directly proportional to the quality of the lens producing it".


    Probably a classic case of "a bad workman quarrels with his tools" ! lol

  2. John/Beau,


    Thanks for the reply and sorry for not mentioning more. Here are the answers:


    1) Primarily for bird and wildlife photography

    2) 1Ds Mk II and 1v ( I still shoot Velvia 50/100)

    3) I have a concern that I am not getting the best picture! A lot of it has to do with technic I know and I have no solid reason to say what I said but just thinking...can I get better....

    4) It will be on a Gitzo 1548 MK2 with an Arca Swiss ball head using Wimberley sidekick with RRS plates.


    The advantage of 400 Do is obvious, especially when I go to India on my yearly trip ! Nicely fits in the bag attached to a camera ! Lighter ! But I am ready to face some inconvenience it image quality compenstaes it !



  3. Sell my 400 F4 DO (circa 2003)and obtain either a 400 2.8L IS or 500

    F4 IS.


    Image quality is the prime concern. Wt. is secondary


    I have never used (or even seen ) any of the two I am considering. I

    am just reading about these two.


    Input from gurus will be highly appreciated.





    P.S. I am an ametuer with some good gadgets and not at all good


  4. Mendel,


    Actually, yes. This has not been used very much in the last 3 years that i have owned it. I was in Rio Lagartos (mexico) in last decemver and this was my main one I took there. To my horror, I realized that the lens was not communicating with camera most of the time. I checked it and saw that it was coming lose at a joint just proximal to the focusing ring. The lens remained in the closet for more than a year without being used prior to that trip. I guarantee you, it was NOT subjected to any trauma or injury !


    that trip was basically for photography I missed my shots for which I am so disappointed !


    Sent to Canon. Just got an e-mail from them telling me the labor cost will be $ 110 (including $ 10 shipping), no parts needed. I think internal screws ( or glue) have come lose. Have they not heard about Crazy glue ?

  5. My vote goes to 70-200 2.8 L IS. Very happy owner of one for the last 3 years as far as picture quality goes.


    That the lens has almost come apart near the focusing ring without any trauma or injury it it is another story. As I write, Canon in NJ is supposed to be fixiing it, charging $ 110 for labor !


    My 2 cents

  6. Hi Skip,


    I think you need to take some Xanax and chill out man ! I was never berating him or his question. I was giving a stern, general wwarning to a fellow photog who may become a victim of internet mugging .


    Why did you type a response ? To yell at me ? How did it help the person asking the question ?


    I -

  7. I do not understand one thing. Why on earth do you believe that someone can sell something at an unearthly low price ? That is a big, big red flag and you dont need to waste one more second on that ! How would B and H be in business if express camera have this price ?


    Just think. It is a no brainer. Once again, something that has been said one million times and still valuable, - "if it is too good to be true, it ain't true".


    Stick to B and H. You will never repent.


    Just my 2 cents.

  8. My personal experience is that KEH offers lower price and downgrade the equipment once they receive it! I have gotten much better price quote from B and H and they have honored their online quotes a couple of times that I have sold to them. The last one was the 1 Ds that I sold to B and H. Not that I got what I wanted but it was about $ 600 more than what KEH quoted me.


    I can con trust eBay for that kind of a sale ! I think I should have taken it to India and sold it there for a better price ! lol .

  9. My personal experience with Lexar 2 GB 80 X with WA cards....


    I have three of them. All have shown error 99 more than one time.


    I have lost valuable images which even Lexar was unable to rescue, saying it was an "electrical failure".


    One card has been replaced twice so far. Another one once. I am waiting the 3rd one to go dead ! I dont use it unless I have to...


    I have at least six 1 GB and one 4 GB 80X with WA, none of them gave me any trouble. Some 1 GB cards are more than 3 yrs. old !


    Lexar said it was fixing the problem of the 2 GB cards! That was a few months ago. I hope they did, but I would stay away from 2 GB cards unless I know for sure that it was corrected.


    Just FYI

  10. Phillip,


    I think you did the right thing.


    I have bought 4 cameras in last 3 years that included 1D/1Ds/!ds MK II/Rebel XT- al new, all from B and H and none have shown a high number ! All were in default settings !


    Also, I have been unable to understand the logic of camera showing high numbers with a previously used CF card. I bought a 1 Ds MK 11 in last swptember adn used all my old dilapidated CF cards but it did not show any unusual number. Started right from 1 and is showing about 2234 now !


    I think you had a used camera !


    Go for the 5D. You will love it ! Or, get a used 1Ds from B and H, if feasible for you

  11. Arnab,


    Dont be so hard on Arca Swiss, man. Mine has given me no trouble, handles all my long lenses with TCs without a problem and the movement in all axis is fluid. I can put my 400 DO with a 2X TC on a Wimberly sidekick and attach the setting to the ball head and lock it at any angle without problem-it does not budge a fraction of a millimeter ! I think Acratech is NOT even recommended for heavier loads, right ?

  12. Sigh.......


    Nobody uses the Gitzo 1548 Mk II tripod or the Singh-Ray graduated NDs and the Circular polarizer with color intensifiers or vari X ND filters ? Nobody has heard of a Arca-Swiss B1 ballhead ? I must have bought them being doped by people here-as 80% of my buying decisions are based on recommendations here. Where are all these people ?


    Anyway, I enjoy landscape work with these gear. Just to let you know !


    Sigh again.

  13. Vivek,


    Thanks for liking the picture.


    This is a copy of the JPEG image that I shot with the RAW ( RAW + s,so it was not at full resolution) . I must tell you that the full version of RAW is much more pleasant! This is TOUCH ME NOT, you know those tiny plants which collapse on touch. I shot it close to my home in India in a paddy field. Me and my tripod had to be flat on the ground(muddy paddy field and both of us needed a shower afterwords) to bring the camera to the flowers level.

  14. Well. inspired by all the above, I am tempted to post one of mine also, shot in India ! Really in the wild, somewhere in nowhere!


    BTW, I dunno whether only the Nikon owners are allowed to participate or not! I am a Canon fan. So, if this is a no, no, please let me know and I will delete.


  15. Bob, I will remain eternally grateful to you for this amputation. The will be paid as a subscription extension of my PN membership.

    thanks again.




    You are horrible ! But you dont know onething, MDs will amputate the wrong side of brain even on "private pay" patient, hoping that a thankful family member/relative will pay for the clean up !


    BTW, I am NOT a surgeon ! I really learnt Medicine (or at least tried and still trying)

  16. Bob, I will remain eternally grateful to you for this amputation. The will be paid as a subscription extension of my PN membership.

    thanks again.




    You are horrible ! But you dont know onething, MDs will amputate the wrong side of brain even on "private pay" patient, hoping that a thankful family member/relative will pay for the clean up !

  17. Tim,


    Thanks. I will take it as a compliment !



    Seriously, how can I remove the "MD", from the signature ? Do you know how many times I have been abused for this ? How many times I got hate mails ? I mailed moderators in the past to delete it but nothing happened. If any moderator is reading this, please mail me at Dholai@hotmail.com to advise me how to remove my title. When Iregistered, I never realized that my title will appear there !

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