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Image Comments posted by rod_melotte

  1. OK OK OK - I will say that I'm not "in love" with this image - with THAT said, every single FREAKING time I'm paging down this image stops me in my tracks and I need to look at it.

    I CURSE YOU!! LOL . . . . . FINE! well done!


  2. I had this idea stuck in my head and I'm not sure if I should continue

    this theme or scrap it. My goal is to have an outside "frame" in one

    effect so it's almost like a window. I like it but . . .do others?

    Give up? Continue? Honest comments welcome and I take nothing



    I love the look and feel of this style you have achieved. I bet this is fantastic printed and very large. I hope you put this on canvas at some point! Bravo! I'm giving you 7/7 because I like the originally and if I was not a photographer I would purchase something like this.

    last path left


    I gave 3's. While I really love your portraits and many of your other styles I'm not a fan of your out of focus work. I ask . . .why?? They make my eyes hurt as they try to focus and for me a photo should always tell a story. This story seems to say "I have had a lot of beer and accidentally clicked the shutter. NOT that that would be a bad thing but . . . it's why I gave 3s.


    Let me reiterate - I love your other work.


    I've used this set-up on car photos - excellent - I love the colors, tilting of the head (I would like to see a smile shot). The lipstick and sweater are a perfect match! If I MUST fine something off it would be the extra area on the top of the photo. just a little to much!


    I like this - the one thing I would do is crop out more the the sky - ther ei sa very light streak about halfway up, I would cut off what is above it as it would put more focus on the tracks! Welcome to photo.net! Rod



    The key that makes this photo worthy is the lamp! Without that lamp it is a nice photo but not a big deal. The lamp is the star and forces the eye down to the woman then to the right until it hits that "arrow" which points the eye up to the pastel clouds and then since you eye is now moving left to the building and down again!. I did not read all the comments but I think the composition, lighting, cropping, the shadow, EVERYTHING is excellent.</p>
    Andrews cropping gives me a feeling of claustrophobia and enclosed and I feel very uncomfortable looking at it. My eye's quickly look for safety but find nothing. My eyes just sit looking for SOMETHING interesting and are stagnant. I look away in boredom.

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