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Image Comments posted by nils_andriessen



    Me too, and you do it so well!! Another great portrait Ed. Such great lighting. Share with us .. softlight .. reflection .. piepschuim (foam) .. what do you use? Can you reveal a tip of your secret?? regards, Nils .


    At the Gap


    Hey! :) well it does not bother me, is just an out of balance feel, I would have placed her far right and a lot of the space to the left . so she is looking into the space. But still all a matter of taste ;-)


    At the Gap


    Hi, Great kid! lovely girl. She is the subject .. but so far. Not sure about you composition. So much space on the right ... if she had looked to the right also would have been different. I understand you want to show the space .. but the position of the girl makes the pic out of balance I think. Well .. is a matter of taste. regards, Nils A.


    Portrait 009


    Hello Ed, you can't stop can you :) well I don't think she is pushed to one side of the frame. I think the compositions is good, I don't mind the hair cut of, it's very oke. Don't be afraid to cut of things! great light, as usual.

    regards, Nils A.


  1. Hello Ben, Mark, Misha, Hector and Erik.


    Thanks so much for your time and kind words. Ben .. I understand your toughts about the crop .. but it was never my intention .. and it would make the portrait less 'royal' I think. Dear Mark, always stick to the first tought!! And Erik great you tried it .. I did .. and have to admit I will stick to this version. Thanks again .. hope to see you all soon back.


    Nils A.


  2. Hi, I'm not going to critique them all at one. Little steps :) This one has great light, lovely tone and a nice pose. So difficult to expose well with white stuff. Lucky you had a white lady here. I love the model, the cap and the cat. Also really would like such drape on my couch ;-)



    Hello, Yes its beautifull. You did it very well and neath. Maybe to neath, could have been a bit more dramatic if the top end is not right in the middle. I see you like Wim Ipenbrug a lot :-) Well you make pretty pics yourself too. And you know .. there are more Dutch girls and guy's around here. Hope to see you soon.


    kind regards, Nils A.


  3. Hi, I think you made this handhold, when you use a tripod you will be amazed by the difference. Even with very cheap camera's. Talking of my own experience. Very nice pic, but indeed the focus does take away some of the beauty.



    Hi, it's a nice portrait .. but .. I see some nasty black squares you put there to hide some background. Maybe you should ajust your monitor so you can make the black you use the same color as the black from the pic. I would suggest to resubmit this one. I dont feel like rating.. hope to rate when you made the black with more finesse.

    regards, Nils A.


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