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Image Comments posted by nils_andriessen



    Hi, you know .. I have four kittens now ..3 weeks.. I hope to post some soon ... they are just to funny now they start to walk.. ;-)


    Rita 01


    Thanks Ed, but I did not aks for critique yet.

    No wide angle :-) She was a little shy at first .. but I take time ... after 4 hours she could look like this. And what a beauty she is!!!



    Hi! Beautifullllll, very nice b/w tone, good expression, good girl :) nice light. ... but ... i.m.h.o. when you had the light a little bit higher, or the face turned a little to the right (from the girls p.o.v. so left for the viewer) the left eye would have had a glimbs of light too

    . that would have improved I think, now I miss a catch light in the left eye.


    regards, Nils A.




    Olᬠque retrato lindo, que cabelo exceptional! Obrigado pela visita. Gosto muito dessa foto, mas o balanco de cores parece um pouco vermelho demais. Voc꠴em software pra corrigir? Acho que os modelos mais bonitos do meu portfolio vem de Cabo Verde, espero ir lᠵma vez.


    lembra硳 da Holanda.


    English version:

    Hello, what a beautifull portrait, what exceptional hair! Thanks for your visit. I like this picture very much, but the colorbalance seems a bit to reddis. You have software to correct? I think the most beautifull models in my portfolio come from the Cape Verde, I hope to go there some day.


    regards, Nils A.


    I'am Gone !

    Hello Mark, you make nice things, you can improve, sorry to say. I learned something, very basic and simple, but the essence of good composition, from one of the best cameraman Dutch television has known. He said to me: "It's so easy, just look in the viewer". "ha ha ha" I thought .. "no .. really look in your viewer, while filming or photographing". He was right. I think of this still every time before I press my shutter. Keep cool, think and look only at what you see just before making the pic. For instance, you could have lowerd your angle a bit so the head of the boy below would have been really in the frame, there is enough space above the heads of the other two persons. Well ... I'll keep coming back. Quite a long one this hour here in Holland :-) see you ...

    Springer Springing

    Yes I like it, I like the movement, the dog and the split second you pressed the shutter. Technically not impeccable, but who cares? I don't! Good idea, will look to my older pics also .. you never know :-)



    She looks to me a great model to work with, very misterious pic!! 5/7 Nils A. (keeps you from tracking the ratings, wonder why Photonet does make this so hard)


    Miss Brasil 001


    Thanks so much Dana and Tiffany. And Tiffany .. well .. you already got a very good advise I see, first turn up the light .. focus and ... But is it not also a little movement-outoffocus? tripods are miraculous well to solve this problem. I never shoot such portraits without one.

    regards, Nils A.


    You have fantastic imagination ... ehehehe .. I did not even got this far .. you running nude outside your house :-) Maybe I should try it myself .. already get some strange looks now and then from my neighbours ...


    Well you look pretty wild here ;-). Great pic. How did you get behind the door/window?? remote control or running in the time from the automated time shutter (don't know the english word). Very nice lighting and emotion. See you soon Tiffany :)



    Ghee, who is it? is this you .. fabulous. You are really this wild. Hmmm .. depends on the moment I guess ;-) Very nice. it's a tree layerd in PS? but it's red in the dark parts. Well anything is possible these day's!


    kind regards, Nils A.



    My god I like it. It's a bit gray, maybe your intention? Would gain in power with more contrast i.m.o. at least black=black, but the way she looks at us .. very good
  1. There's not happening much. The colors are miraculous, the place is like a painting, where are the thoughts .. in my mind I guess. It's a very beautifull picture, almost a painting ... well .. my thoughts .. kind regards, Nils A.

    o yeah .. 7/6 :)

  2. Hi, don't know how I got here, but really like this picture. You could do something about the colorbalance. You have some software to correct?

    I made my version in PS 7.0. I hope you don't mind. When you do I delete it right away.


    regards, Nils A.


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