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Posts posted by jeff_lu

  1. i would NOT recommend a 70-300 lens for an only (that's what it sounds like) lens. if you

    need a zoom (personally i'd get a single focal length - 35~50 - and build from there),

    get one covering a wide to short tele - there are a lot, so a budget figure would be



    as for brand, i'm a sucker for equipment uniformity - nothing like a well-matched family,

    so canon sounds nice. depends

    on your budget, really.

  2. "Gee, I'm grateful I didn't get your advice on my other purchases."


    would i have talked you out of some unbelievably great deal on new equipment that was

    truly satisfactory? if so, do share. otherwise, i'm going to continue to steer anyone who

    asks away from scam joints.

  3. not that familiar with pentax. i know that lenses will mount. someone else can tell you

    about metering.


    for landscape work, AF doesn't mean much. i'd go for an MF lens. there are a lot of

    cheap, excellent ones out there.


    buying another camera at this point isn't the best use of your money, unless a need

    obnoxiously screams in your face.

  4. the 28/1.8 is somewhat soft wide open, but pretty cheap (kinda feels like it) and compact.

    i've not personally used the zoom, so i can't compare optical quality, but of course, you'll

    have 2+ stops available.


    as you noted, 28 isn't really wide. maybe that's how you like it. if you want something a

    bit wider, the 24/1.4L and 24/2.8 are options.


    the 1.4 is excellent, priced accordingly,

    but porky - so maybe that won't be a small prime you want.


    the 2.8, i believe, provides

    very capable performance, considering its price and size. on the 20D, the slightly smaller

    max aperture wouldn't bother me that much for a walkabout lens - you can always up the

    ISO. still, nothing beats absolute speed.

  5. do you want to learn more about "cameras" or "photography?" i'm sensing "photography,"

    but if cameras, just head to certain forums on this site.


    the only photo technique book i've ever read a little of is photography: london, et al. the

    basics are just that: basic. the rest comes from being hands-on.


    some things you can do: read through photo.net's primer, go shoot; read through threads

    and when you see some interesting/foreign technique/term, look it up (google is your

    friend); shoot; look through galleries and photos and see what you like and what you

    maybe want to try; shoot and develop your own sensibility.


    if you're heading off to college, i strongly suggest you head to one that offers a liberal arts

    education, not a "College for Photography" if you're at all unsure. you can take a photo

    class or three, major in photography, minor in art, whatever.

  6. for the d70, get an AF lens. a MF lens will mount but you'll lose automation/metering.


    if you want a prime wide, the 20mm 2.8d is nice and will give you a 30mm equivalent with




    the only real wide-angle zoom for the d70 is the 12-24mm 4.0. if you need a zoom and a

    real digital wide lens, that's it.

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