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steve ward

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Image Comments posted by steve ward

  1. Interesting. You've done a lot of work to get the result you want.

    If it was easy, we'd all do it too. You'll likely find as many opinions as there are viewers.  Keep doing what you are doing, it's much better than most.

     I seem to enjoy the portrait style, where the model's expressions really put the image over the top. That's a reason I like John Peri's work so often. The personal relationship is something he seems to be a master at portraying.

    Havig your own style is what seperates one from the pack. 

  2. there's an element of sun and shadow on the model's face. I can only draw a baseball analogy, wherein the mound is in sunshine and the plate in shadows. It is more difficult to see the ball when half its travel is in sun and half in shadow. In this instance it sems to me that the mixture of sun and shadow detracts from, rather than enhances the image.



    Thank you John for the nice comment.

    I have been lax lately, and have left the camera home much to often. When I pick it up again, I'll be sure to share more images. These two young ladies are 10 yrs old now, and more adorable than ever.

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