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steve ward

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Image Comments posted by steve ward

  1. I love your image. I'm just not sure how long it is going to take me to "use up" the film in my fridge. Since I bought the D200, my F100 and F5 get very little use.

    Someday i'll have still images, or real models to shoot, and the film will not go so much to waste.

    I'll probably be long eead before I have a subject like this to shoot.



    Thanks for sharing all that detail. It gives me lots of points of reference to experiment with.

    The one I'll start with have to do with lens speed and DOF. I look forward to trying.




    Since I've never been to Indonesia, I can not comment about acceptability of this type of shot. It would be perhaps scandelous in the USA. But most US beaches frown on this type of sunbathing.

    Also, in US, it is more profitable to sue than it is to punch.

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