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steve ward

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Image Comments posted by steve ward



    Some people do very well when they take chances.

    I'm generally not one of them.

    Of course, Tracy helped a lot to make this a winner.



    Doesn't look like it needs a new category.

    You did a great balancing act with the light that has a halo effect and the light that shows the model's face.

    The model is mighty fine too.

  1. somehow I can't help but feel that the light needs to be stronger in the eyes. They just don't stand out enough to be the main focus of the photo. This may also be due to their being such a small part of the frame.


    could be my computer, but the light seems concentrated around and below the right side collar. This detracts from the face just a bit. Of course, the print can be very different from what I see on my screen.
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