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Image Comments posted by reprint


    Not easy to spot these little frogs. The leaf above the frog is distracting and a polarizer would help with the shine from the leaves though you may not be able to add one onto your camera. I have heard of people taping them on. Good luck next time.


    Thanks for the comments and ratings. This photo really topped off a nice relaxing day in central park, NYC. The ducklings had to turn parallel to the boat and paddle like crazy and then jump up onto the boat as it was moving along. It was really fun to watch.

    Red Tailed Hawk #1


    Found this hawk on a low tree branch as the sun was beginning to

    set. A small bird repeatedly swooped down trying to drive the hawk

    away with no success.

    Please critique. thanks

  1. Thanks for the feedback, Jos. I do have some with the men above the horizon but they rotated as they were being lifted resulting in the upper body of one and the legs of another visible in the photo. Would have loved a better sky and sea colour. Your technology photos have much better backdrops.
  2. I took this picture early in the morning as the green frogs were

    sunning themselves in shafts of sunlight coming through the trees in

    the swamp. I loved the textures of the moss covered tree base on

    which this frog was sitting. Perhaps a polarizing filter might have

    helped the image further? Let me know what you think.

    thanks for your comments

  3. Please critique. The image is cropped and i did debate whether to de-

    emphasize the waterfall and focus on the bird. I do have a series of

    these shots with some centered more on the bird. However in the end

    i went with this one as it seems to put the bird more in context.

    Thanks for your comments

  4. Thanks for the feedback Aaron. I agree with you. The bird was preening about 15 foot up a tree and i was waiting for it to look down at me. When it did, the gap appeared in the leaves. It still remains a favourite of mine because of how the leaves swirl around the bird and the cheeky look the bird is giving me. I am not a big photoshop person but will give it a go to remove that light. thanks
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