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steve williams

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Posts posted by steve williams

  1. I'm getting ready to order an Arca-Swiss B1, with the QD base and

    panoramic markings. What are the best QD plates to order for Nikon

    35mm cameras and various medium format cameras (Mamiya M7 II, Fuji

    GW690III, Fuji GA645zi, etc.)? Are the Arca-Swiss versions good?

    What about the Really Right Stuff models?


    Thanks for any help,


  2. I was asking about the Pentax 634N II autofocus lenses compared to

    the Contax 645AF lenses today at one of the largest online photo

    dealers in the US. One of the guys that deals a lot with their high-

    end mediaum format equipment said the Contax lenses were about TWICE

    as good as the Pentax lenses...


    Now this is contrary to other things I've seen referenced about

    these lenses. How could this guy make a claim like that? Aren't the

    Pentax lenses very close to the Contax lenses? I'll concede that the

    Zeiss lenses are most likely better, but I would think twice better

    is a grand overstatement.


    Does anyone have experience with BOTH? I'm thinking about the Pentax

    system and I guess I'm wanting to be sure it's a good choice.


    Thanks for any help,


  3. I have a Yashicamat 124G that takes good pictures. The camera is in

    mint condition. Here's a crazy question. How much better would a

    Rolleiflex 3.5F be in terms of quality of pictures?


    I know the Rolleiflex is definitely a better lens, but can anyone

    give input as to how much better?


    I guess I'm trying to decide if it's worth spending over $1,000 for

    a camera that may only give a little better quality pictures. (ex:

    5%, 10%, etc.) If it's dramatically better, then it would be worth



    Thanks for any help,


  4. So, if I already have a 105mm f/2.8 micro Nikkor, would there be any reason to get a 105mm DC? What about a 135mm DC? I read some other posts on this site that indicated the 135 is not a good portrait lens (although I haven't tried it).


    Will the DC lenses do anything the regular 105s won't?




  5. Thanks for all the help. I think one of the main reasons I'm thinking about slides is the ease of scanning at home. I'm planning to get a Minolta Dimage Multi Scan Pro, so I can scan 6x9, 6x6 and 6x4.5. I would only have the ones I liked printed and I guess I could either have that done straight from the slide or from the digital scan that I do.


    Ken Rockwell mentioned on his site about printing on Fuji Super Gloss, but what process is he talking about? Is this a kind of paper? Does this mean it would come from a Fuji Frontier printer? Is there a site somewhere that will explain all this to me? (Ilfochrome, Type R, Fuji Frontier, Lightjet, etc.) I don't even know what a Lightjet is. (Is this a laser scanner?)


    Thanks again. Hope I'm not running this in the ground - I just don't have a completely clear handle on this yet.



  6. Scott,


    Are you saying that prints from slide film are not going to be as good as prints from negative film?


    For instance, I was reading on a web site called kenrockwell.com about films, etc. He said he does all his photography on slides and didn't like the quality of print film. He said slide film should be printed on Fuji Super Gloss paper, but doesn't say what kind of process this is. He indicates that it is hard to get consistant color from print film and that slide film scans better.


    Do you know what he's talking about?


    Thanks again,


  7. While searching archives, I read a post/reply by someone on this web

    site stating the Nikon F4 has problems with macro photography, due

    to some kind of problems with it's metering system. (Sorry - I don't

    remember who the poster was...)


    Anyway, is the F4 weak in that area? Is the F3HP a better choice? It

    seems the F4 would surely be better than the F3HP for this?


    Does anyone know what the metering problems are that this poster was

    referring to?


    Thanks for any help,


  8. Is there any difference in the sharpness of the Fuji GA645 40mm and

    60mm lenses compared to the GA645zi 55-90mm lens?


    (I'm kind of wondering if there would be a reason to having all

    three cameras or if the GA645zi is as good as having the other two?)


    Thanks for any help,


  9. I know they are two very different cameras, but I'm trying to invest

    once... I'm trying looking for a medium format camera for mainly

    landscape photography. (I don't want something as heavy as a Fuji

    GX680III or a Mamiya RB/RZ series.)


    I've sort of narrowed it down to a Mamiya M7 II or a Hasselblad 501

    series. I love ground glass viewing and composing, but I also like

    the larger negative of the M7 II.


    Can anyone give me some advice to help me decide? (I currently have

    a Yashicamat 124-G that takes GREAT pictures, but want added lens



    Thanks for any help,


  10. I just purchased a used Contax TVS II in mint condition. However,

    the image in the viewfinder seems a bit blurry. I'm assuming this is

    not normal for this camera? I just got it today and ran a roll of

    film through it to check for focus (will get it processed tomorrow).


    The focus confirmation in the viewfinder seems to lock on, but the

    viewfinder image makes things look a tad blurry/doubled.


    Thanks for any help,


  11. I posted an earlier question regarding the F3HP. Now I'm thinking of

    another option. I would like a manual focus camera that's lighter

    than an F4. I'm considering a used FA or a new FM3A. This would be

    for general photography, macro and landscape. (Maybe some



    (Would the F3HP be a better camera than the FA? I do like the faster

    flash sync on the FA.)


    Any ideas, comments or suggestions would be welcome.

    Thanks, Steve

  12. I have a Nikon F4s. I've long thought about getting an F3HP, just

    because it is a classic. Lately I've been wondering about using it

    for some macro work and for some landscape shooting. (I also have an

    FM2n and an FM3A.)


    I'm wanting mirror lockup, so that's why I'm thinking about the F3HP

    (I know the F4 has it, too). I would like something a but lighter

    than the F4, so I'm thinking the F3 would be an option.


    Would I be taking a step back in getting an F3? (I wouldn't be

    getting rid of the F4.) Is the slow flash sync going to be an issue

    with macro photography? I may sometimes be using a copy stand, too,

    for some special projects.


    Any advice would be appreciated.


    Thanks! Steve

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