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steve williams

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Posts posted by steve williams

  1. Nope - no ground glass back. It's funny you mention Hasselblad. I've been thinking about one all weekend. I've been wondering if I should sell my Mamiya and get a Hasselblad 501CM kit.


    Of course, I would lose the 6x7 format... I do have a couple of Fuji 6x9 rangefinders. Maybe a Hasselblad 6x6 and the Fuji would work instead of the 6x7... It's enough to drive a man to drink...



  2. When shooting things, such as waterfalls, etc., what do you do about

    all the mist? Will this hurt the camera and lens? As an amateur,

    I've always babied my equipment, but I see lots of great photos in

    books and on the web that HAD to have gotten the photographers

    equipment wet, dusty/dirty, etc.


    Does anything in the camera or lens corrode? Will the water get into

    the lens mechanism and between the elements?




  3. What about RAW support in Phot0shop 7 for the D70? Will the RAW plugin on the CD work for that in 16 bit mode? Is there an updated RAW plugin for PS 7?


    (I have PS CS to put on a new computer I have coming, but I have PS 7 on my laptop.)



  4. I have a large three-way Bogen tripod head and I have an Arca-Swiss

    B1 on the way, but would also like a lighter weight ball head as an

    option on a lighter weight, short tripod. (It doesn't have to have a

    QR plate.)


    Are any of the smaller Bogen ball heads a good option? Any

    particular models you would recommend?




  5. I don't think I got them from kenrockwell.com (I don't remember.) Actually, I think I read them on this site somewhere, but could be wrong.


    I may not have been clear. I was talking about bigger enlargements - above 8x10 (16x20, 20x24, etc.). When you look at 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, there's not going to be as much benefit for the larger formats.


    If those are exaggerations, what are the actual numbers? (Does Ken Rockwell exaggerate, by the way? I don't know him at all. I've seen his web site a few times, though.)



  6. Thanks for all the answers and links. One thing that puzzles me, though. I keep reading people stating that digital is killing MF (or, that MF sales have been plumeting because of digital. What I don't understand is, the current state of digital does not equal the quality of MF images.


    For instance, it takes approx. 22 megapixels to achieve 35mm quality. It takes approx 50 megapixels to achieve MF quality. It the photographers were using MF for increased film size and quality, why would they be leaving it in droves for digital, only to realize a smaller quality than 35mm? (And even MF digital backs start around $15k, so that's not an option for the average photographer.)


    Am I missing something here? (Maybe I'm a little worried and paranoid, because I have a decent sized investment in MF gear and don't want to be left without film, etc...)


    Thanks again,


  7. Looking at various landscape photography books and web sites, I see

    the photographers use a lot of medium format cameras - Pentax 6x4.5,

    Pentax 67, Contax 6x4.5, Rollei 6x6, etc. I don't seem to see many

    using the Hasselblad 501 6x6 type series.


    I've never used one of these, but it seems it would be a good

    choice, with it's ground glass viewfinder and Zeiss lenses.


    Am I just missing this or is there a reason the Hasselblad is not as

    popular for landscape photography?




  8. Okay. So does f/8 in 35mm correlate to s smaller aperture in medium format? For instance, if f/8 in 35mm comperable to something like f/16, f/22, etc. in medium format?


    Conversely, does f/8 in medium format correlate to a smaller aperture in 35mm, such as f/5.6 ro 3.5?


    Thanks again,


  9. Thanks for the help. Today I was looking on the B&H website and saw the Bogen 303Plus. Is this a good panoramic head? It's supposed to be precise and has geared slides. Would this or the Arca-Swiss be better?


    By the way, what is a good bubble level that fits on the hotshoe? Is this a good type of level?


    Thanks again,


  10. I'm looking for a good panorama head. I'll be using digital cameras,

    as well as 35mm and medium format cameras and stitching the pictures

    together on the computer.


    Can anyone tell me what the best, most precise panorama heads are?




  11. I already have a Fuji Ga645zi and a Fuji GA645i 60mm camera. I got

    these for lighter weight travel cameras for landscape, people,

    street, etc. Now I'm thinking about a Pentax 645NII for more

    versatility. I wouldn't get rid of the Fujis - this would just be to

    augment them.


    I probably already know the answer to this, but what things will the

    Pentax do that the Fujis won't? I know I can get longer and wider

    focal length lenses and filters would be easier to use, but are

    there some glaring advantages to the Pentax over the Fujis?


    Is lens quality much different between the two?


    Thanks for any help,


  12. Thanks for all the help. If money were no object, I would just go with the Contax, but the price of the lenses - WOW. I'll probably go with the Pentax.


    (The guy wasn't a salesman, actually. He is a buyer for higher end cameras for this dealer. Don't know his qualifications or anything - just what his position is.)


    Thanks again,


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