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steve williams

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Posts posted by steve williams

  1. A gentleman at a camera shop told me he can order from Japan an

    adapter to use Hasselblad lenses on a Nikon 35mm SLR. He said the

    picture quality is better. (Of course, you lose metering.)


    Has anyone heard of this? He said they $260 each and he orders them

    from Japan (he's from Hong Kong and he orders stuff from Asia all

    the time). He said they are metal in construction and he uses them a

    lot. (He also uses a Hasselblad.)


    Any ideas on where to find them cheaper?


    Thanks for any help.


  2. After reading some of the replies, I now remember having FOUR IBM drives fail over the last 10 years. I've always steered clear of Maxtor, but recently bought one of their "One-Touch" 200GB external drives for a rushed recovery project.


    After the project, I've used the drive intermittantly for general, temporary storage (I still don't trust Maxtor) and have noticed the slim aluminum case stays as hot as a firecracker. I usually leave it off for that reason. It just doesn't have enough case volume and fan CFPM to cool it adequately.


    I have several WD drives (that I use to steer clear of, too), just because they use to always be cheaper than the Seagate and I wasn't as confidant with them. I'll probably continue to stick with Seagate drives primarily, but with some WD, too.


    I'm going to look into the LaCie external drives some of you have mentioned. I've used a variety of their products over the years and haven't had much trouble with them.


    Thanks for all the answers.



  3. What brand hard drives have you guys found to be the most reliable?

    I'm not talking about "I've had a Maxtor hard drive for a couple of

    years and it's worked fine...", but rather I'm looking for input

    from people that have had a lot of experience with hard drives.


    I've heard mixed information regarding Maxtor and some regarding

    Western Digital. What's funny is, you can hear mixed info on just

    about every brand - Seagate, IBM/Hitachi, etc.


    My experiences have been very good with Seagate drives and IBM

    drives, but I'd like to hear of other's experiences and knowledge.


    (Wanting to get the most reliable drives for storing digital





  4. In my incessant questions on the various medium format camera

    systems, I've just about decided to be sure to get one that will

    accept digital backs in the future. (In the advent that digital

    backs drop in price one day to less than a car...)


    Anyway, do any of you use a digital back with a Hasselblad 50x

    series camera? If so, how do you like it?


    (Maybe the RZ Pro IID would be a better digital-option camera.)


    Of course, this is assuming any companies will be making digital

    backs for existing film cameras in the future.


    Thanks for any help,


  5. I've bought used cameras from both KEH and B&H. KEH is definitely more pleasant to deal with. The cameras I've received from both were more or less as advertised.


    I buy a lot of stuff from B&H, but must be a glutton for punishment. I've never spent so much money with any business that treated me so poorly in their attitude on the phone. Sometimes you get someone that is not the best English speaker. I think the only reason I've continued to buy from B&H is just habit. Every time I buy from them, though, I feel irritated by their attitude and shortness. I know a lot of people excuse this with them, because they are from NY... are from another country... live in a cold climate... have trouble in the snow... are very busy... don't like dealing with the public... weren't breast fed as infants... blah, blah, blah...


    Maybe I'll try Adorama for new stuff.


    KEH is easy to deal with, though.



  6. Jeff,


    Thanks. I guess I'm wondering how prints look when printed from slide film vs. print film.


    For instance, when shooting landscapes, does the increased saturation in Velvia still look as saturated when printed, or is it better to print from print film for the saturation. Does the Velvia lose a lot of it's saturation when printed?


    Also, I'm wondering if the "snap" that Zeiss lenses are reputed to have will still have that snap when cropped and printed to similar dimensions that a 6x7 would have.




  7. John B.,


    That's very interesting. It's similar to my feelings about the Hasselblad. I'm still waiting to rent one to make sure, but the little time I spent handling it in the store, I didn't like the operation of it as much as some other cameras. I felt like I was "dealing with it" or almost fighting with it, instead of working with it, just to get Zeiss lenses. I would also like to have a few additional features for the price.


    By the way, what's your comparison to prints made with the Mamiya compared to your Hasselblads?


    Thanks again for all the great advice here. I'll post my experiences with the various cameras I rent for anyone interested. (I'm planning to rent over the course of several weeks the following:

    - Haselblad 500

    - Mamiya RZ Pro II

    - Pentax 645N II

    - Contax 645AF

    - Rollei 600x series

    - MAYBE a Fuji GX680III (but the size of this is probably absurd for what I'm wanting to do - I've never seen one)

    - Hasselblad X-Pan, but this is for different reasons

    - a 4x5 camera of some sort, just to see if I even want to work in that format and camera system



  8. Well, I finally looked at a Hasselblad 501CM today at a camera

    store. I also looked at a Mamiya RZII. I was surprised to have liked

    the RZ better. I felt the Hasselblad was harder to focus. I also

    like the features of the RZ better PLUS the larger format. This will

    be for landscape photography, so the size is not a big put-off

    (yet...). And lenses are cheaper to boot...


    I also looked at the Pentax 645NII and the Contax 645AF, for a

    smaller AF for family, children, etc. I found that I liked the feel

    of the Contax better.


    I'm going to take advice I've received here and rent each one over

    the course of several weekends and see how I like them. After

    reading about Zeiss lenses, I found myself thinking there was a

    magical 3-D dimension to pictures from them and was trying to make

    myself to like the Hasselblad, but I think I'm leaning towards the

    RZ. I'll know better after I actually try them.


    Thanks for all the help. This is a great forum.



  9. I know it sounds crazy, since they are two different formats and two

    different types of cameras (AF and MF, etc.). But my current medium

    format cameras are rangefinders and I'm thinking of adding an SLR

    for some additional flexibility.


    Is there any difference in the quality of lenses between these two?

    Any benefits or drawbacks to using one or the other for landscapes?


    Thanks for any help,


  10. What exactly does "incident" mean? Is this holding the meter _at_ the scene and then going back to your camera (such as holding it in front of a models face)?


    What is the quivelent of a center-weighted metering and something like matrix metering in a handheld meter? I know there are spot, but are there others?




  11. I'm thinking about getting a Seikonic L-558 light meter. Is there

    any advantage to the Pentax Spotmeter? I've read Pentax discontinued

    them, but is there any company that may still have some in stock?


    Does the Pentax only do spot metering? It seems to be the same price

    as the Seikonic.


    Also, what would be a good, compact lightmeter? I saw the Seikonic

    308II, but it only meters shutter speeds to 30 seconds. I would like

    a meter that will go to 15 or 30 minutes.




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