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Posts posted by pnance

  1. When the moon is at apogee it is farther from the earth then when its at perigee. A difference of 28,625 miles. This will change the apparent size by .0625 degree. The largest size (when the moon is closest is .5548 degrees) Of course since it takes about 15 days to go from perigee to apogee, this probably wasn't the explanation you're looking for. Your camera probably was set to a different zooom setting on one day.


    For more information of this ilk try: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/moon_ap_per.html

  2. Nikon has made more than 12 products, so this program has thousands of steps. It will not complete until you purchase them all!


    The 105mm f/2.5 is one of the most highly rated of all lens for sharpness. Well corrected, only difraction at the smaller apertures, like all lens, well except mirrors, have.

  3. Capture NX can turn jpgs into NEF films. Normally when jpgs are processed, you lose data every time you save. Once converted to NEF, future changess aren't destructive. Also NX allows alterations to parts of the image, instead of applying the changes to the entire image area at once.
  4. All the drains go to the same place (in the same city). I've processed in the kitchen sink (of course you have to clean up well afterwards), the bathroom sink, tub, whatever, in a small janitor's closet at an arena, where ever there's water and a drain (and a lack of light), you're ready to go. Normal processing does not produce enough chemicals to cause any harm, the washing involved insures a good dilution of most chemicals used (which normally aren't that concentrated to start with). There might be considerations if your drains go to a sepic system.
  5. They have a new one that hangs on a string around your neck, so you just drop it when your done with it. No folding needed. A hair classier that carring around a toilet paper tube. :)
  6. Of course Todd's right, the perspective is due to the distance you are from the subject. You don't usually notice the perspective because your eye-brain link knows about these things. You just think it's odd when your photographic held at normal distances still shows the distortion.
  7. VR does not assist for objects that are in motion. VR is to attempt to cancel out the photographer's movements.


    VR should be turned off when on a tripod because the camera should not be moving and there is nothing for the VR to do (and if it did it would be counter-productive).

  8. N90s doesn't have mirror lock, don't believe the N90 had it either.


    I use the Voigtlander Heliar 12mm SL on my Nikon F2 (requires mirror lockup), makes a great combination, the heft of the Nikon makes a stable shooting base for the lens.

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