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Posts posted by pnance

  1. Love the viewfinder. I have a F3, tossed the crappy HP finder for a DE-2, closer to the original F viewfinder. I have always worn glasses but enjoy the larger image, even if I have to look around to see the image, over the tiny little viewfinders on almost all cameras make since. Still use my F, its also great with the Voigtlander Heliar 12mm wide angle, although its more like a rangefinder then.
  2. I think you should check out "http://www.apug.org/forums/forum223/34163-ez-rodinal.html"

    this rodinal formula works. No complicated directions, it is easy to mix. (It actually uses less chemicals than the formula you cite, the HCL version of p-aminophenol needs more alkali) You use it exactly like Rodinal from the bottle. I've used several batches now and have been satisfied with the results. Thanks Pat Gainer.

  3. Note that if you're comparing a AIS to an AF type lens. They are radically different. AIS lens have a machined metal helix, with a lubricant, AF is very free for ease of the motor to focus. Unless the AIS is hard to turn, it may be OK.
  4. This lens is made for manual focus cameras such as the FM2.


    I find it strange that a reviewer would knock a product because it was what it claimed to be! Rockwell didn't like this manual focus lens because it doesn't autofocus! Ridiculous. It he wished for an intelligent comment he could have mentioned it didn't have a CPU (as the 45mm P does) to allow use on more bodies.


    It's also strange to prefer the short focus arc of a AF lens when used for manual focusing, as he states in his article.


    He did seem to correctly notice that metal weights more than plastic.

  5. A regular wide angle lens attempts to show a wide view of the area you're looking at without distortion.


    A "fish-eye" wide angle lens will show the area with possible distortion. For example straight lines parallel to the edge of the frame will curve. But a straight line running from the edge to the center of the frame would not show distortion.


    All lens have some distortion. Wide angle lens are more likely to show distortion, and "fish-eye" lenses are designed to have a certain built-in distortion.

  6. If you haven't used a SLR and especially a DSLR, you must be very careful changing lens. Getting dust into the camera body is very bad. DSLRs must be turned off before changing the lens (to remove charge from sensor).
  7. The problem is actually a FAT32 problem. Cards that at formatted FAT32 can't be read, if reformatted they will be smaller than their rated sizes. For instance a 4 GB card would format as a 2 GB card, and very hard to reformat back. The FAT32 standard was created to address the larger sizes available, it is needed for sizes larger than 2 GB.
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