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Image Comments posted by evb

    End of the Line

    I've been enjoying your portfolio, particularly the rural shots, and this one really stood out for me. It's the combination of the starkly simple barn and line of utility poles against the richness of the field that really makes this image speak. Nice eye.

    Toward Home

    I like this composition better than the black and white version where you've cut out the telephone poles on the left. I think this version would look nice in black and white too. You've done a great job with these people pictures.
  1. Thanks for checking this out. This (and the other railroad shots) are old

    35mm negatives, scanned. I have not done much adjustment to any of them other than a bit of sharpening. The slightly off-vertical framing was not done on purpose, but I do like it too.

  2. Doug, this is a very classical shot, but the brooding sky and the wonderful light on the trees and the church itself make it very special. As someone else said, this is not really about the church at all, though the building does anchor the image. I'm loving your photographs.

    Sharon, CT 1979

    David, thanks for your comment. This is an old slide that I scanned in and did not correct for color, just brought up the trees through the blind a bit. I'm not sure why I like it so much either, except that the shadow of the OPEN sign is nice as well as some of the other shadows working together.


    David, I'm enjoying your portfolio. You have a good eye for old places, and your photographs also have nice tones and shadows. I'll be back.
  3. This is a simple, direct, and powerful composition, and you've pulled it off magnificently here. I think the apparent mundaneness of the shot is what has gotten you some low ratings, but hey, not everyone appreciates this kind of thing. This is a nice shot -- keep it up.
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