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Image Comments posted by evb


    Not classically beautiful, but beautiful nevertheless. The graffiti makes this all the more interesting. The colors of the wall and the old faded sign add layers of time to this image.


    I'm a sucker for signs, old buildings, and things that are vanishing from the landscape. Nice job on this one, Ken. I like the way this image is composed too.

    2006-12-30 #1

    Leigh, your portfolio keeps drawing me back. These shots are wonderful, subtle, and moody, as well as graphically balanced. This one and many others blow me away, because even though you're clearly exploring a similar theme, each image is subtly different from the others. Together they make a nice series.


    Roy, this is a striking image. Realistic, but nearly abstract at the same time. I love the way the paint is running and getting washed out. Great detail and subtle color too.



    Roy, I think I like this straight version better than the photoshopped version that you posted. This is a strong image as is. What you did in photoshop adds some interesting textures, but I don't think you really need to add anything.

    Nice job here.

    Family Photos


    Jason, I like this and many of your other photographs as well (particularly the signs folder). I am also a fan of Robert Frank. I think that the photo you're referring to was actually taken by Walker Evans. Is this the one (Studio)?

    Some of the pictures in your sign folder remind me of Walker Evans.

  1. Sam, I like this shot very much. (I'm also partial to bridges and railroads, but this is a nice image besides). I like the other stuff in your portfolio too. The bridge work (and this shot in particular) remind me of some of the photos taken by Jet Lowe for the Historic American Engineering project (see HABS/HAER project and search for "Jet Lowe bridge"). I'll be back to see more of your excellent work.


    I like it. But what's with the 3/3 ratings? They almost seem to be automatic on some pictures. I don't think this deserves anything less than a 5, but I guess some people like their images a bit slicker. Nice work.





    The range of tones is great here. I also like the straight-on view of this

    simple bridge. I like all your bridge photos, but I think this is my favorite.



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