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david robinson

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Image Comments posted by david robinson


    Interesting scene that I would love to come upon. Perhaps a more artistic shot could have been had with a shot much closer to the nest. Those large eggs could have really been featured in such a shot. At a scene as this, I would have taken shots from multiple vantage points. Next time...

    Unknown Storm

    Murat, I really like the attitude that this perspective gives. In combination with this look and with this atmosphere, this image feels fresh and original. My regards...
  1. Thanks Aaron. I have to agree with your critique. This is a bit unbalanced and your suggested solution of bringing out the cloud striation may indeed help rebalance the image. I'll give it a try. Good to hear from you, Aaron.
  2. Thanks Stephen for the clarification and the suggested crops. I actually have some full frame images of these ripples as I saw the interest too with a more abstracted view of this. I'm glad this one is growing on you. And I certainly understand the pause the foreground element is giving you. Thanks Stephen...
  3. Thank you both Pnina and Klaus for your comments. I am pleased that others do find something here that touches and stirs them. At the same time, I appreciate that this images does not work for everyone. Again I thank you both...
  4. Jeff, I like the mystery of these rocks which come in and out of view beneath this place where water and vapor dance. Also Jeff congratulations on having your portfolio recognized, an honor most deserved.


    Jeff, this one is a bit different for you. It's easy to see what attracted you to this scene with this silvery highlights. I also like the interesting gradients on the beach. Altogether pleasing.
  5. Stephen and Jeff, I thank you both for trying so hard to find a way to like this one. Sometimes, an image just doesn't resonate with us. We naturally pick it a part focusing on what we don't like. For me this image works, though I admit it is a bit strange with that headland jutting its crested head so jauntily, but at a distance -- not to mention the hook-like shape of the drift wood Anyway, for me it works (as a whole) because of its strangeness. This landscape makes me feel an isolation, almost as if I am receding from this scene. It the dream-like elements that give this image some power with me. Anyway, thanks guys for trying.



    Canyon Sage

    Thanks Carsten and Pnina. Carsten. this shot is not actually close to home. This was taken in the desert areas in the eastern part of Washington State. Pnina, thank you for your comments about the emotive aspect of my landscapes. That is something I really pay attention to. Thank you both...


    Pnina, I am in agreement with those who favor the cropped version. Your image captures this interior wonderfully. The interior also refers here to the mind illuminated with the beauty of this art. Well done Pnina, most enjoyable.
  6. Maria, blending is actually rather simple once you've done it a couple of times. Even though these are while clouds, there are details to be enjoyed here. Try this process. You will be amazed at the results. If you need any help email me. I will be glad to help.


    This moor is beautiful.





    Peter, this image scales up well to show the expanse of this meadow. This field would be striking if sunlit up against a dramatic grey sky. If this is close by I would be back here to explore this further. Cheers...


    Sunil, I like the unexpectedness of this image -- the eroded ruins among the eroded rock. Reading your biography I suspect that you are no stranger to incongruity. My regards...
  7. Nicely seen Pat, and your execution seems faultless. This building seem planted out in nature framed so naturally by just the trees and sky. I enjoy your affinity for men at work, a frequent theme of yours...

    Yellow Signs

    Circa 1950. This has a most compelling allure -- stark and austere, yet expectant as in dreaming. Beautiful tones Pat help in creating this rich atmosphere; even the white is dreamy. I can almost hear Rod Serling announcing our arrival in the Twilight Zone.
  8. Brian, this one offers up much to be enjoyed. I like how the tones are used to help give shape to the composition with the darker tones of the foreground forming the outer edge of the circular tones inside. The colors too are most pleasing. This one imparts the somnolent and dreamy feeling of a quiet evening.
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