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david robinson

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Image Comments posted by david robinson

    Meeting the sea


    Very good composition here with these beautiful lines and tones. This is very good but I am left wanting more. I really don't like seeing this cloud being truncated, though I realize there may have existed reasons for it. This one comes close but it is not quite there for me.



  1. yea I like this composition Peter. These lichen covered rock are wonderful. This looks like a place to me that has much potential. Can you camp here overnight? This would be fun to shoot in various light. Well done Peter...
  2. Thanks everyone for your comments. Actually, I don't feel under attack here at all -- some have simply expressed their preference for a composition that is less centered. As it is, this centered composition works for me. Indeed, as I see it, it really wouldn't work here any other way. Here the tranquility of the sky and of the bay are given in equal measure. And neither more or less of either would contribute more to this sense of tranquility. An important aspect of this tranquility is the compositional balance and symmetry, and also as Shawn noted its circularity.


    Daily, I haven't tried the 24-70, but I sure do like the 24-105. I have found myself using it more and more.


    Pnina, this isn't a swimmer, it just some flotsam.


    I thank all of you for your thoughtful comments...

    Of Tides and Time

    Thank you Colin I think the tonal range really does make this one for me. Carsten, I very much enjoyed your comments about our subliminal compositional "choices". I agree. Leigh, thank you for your comments on this composition too. The distant sea stack and its relationship to the primary sea stack really was at "conscious level" was I was seeing. And Stephan I learned to read this one differently after yours and Carsten's comments. Our work is really about learning to see better. I thank you all for sharing...
  3. Lou Ann, October is a good time to come to the southwest. I was very fortunate to get these skies, in October at least you have a chance of seeing clouds, but I got a hail storm. I am actually returning here myself this year in October. I have some favorite places to visit in Arches and Canyonlands that take me well beyond cell phone coverage. I'd be happy to chat with you about places to visit if you come here. My warm regards...
  4. Jeff, This is satisfying in many ways -- I like the cool hues of these colors and the spiny curvature of these stones is nice against the soft textures of this water. I would prefer the composition without the sky and truncated rock formation.

    Near Stillness

    Thanks everyone for taking your time to share your thoughts on this one. If you are interested check back later and I will post another version. I want to thank Daily for his effort with this one-- clearly the foreground can be lightened up. The trouble I have had so far is that my results have ended up compromising the sky and diminishing the mood. Stephen may be right here. This version though darker may be the one that best conveys this mood. Anyway my thanks to you all...


    Aaron, this forms seems somehow even more dramatic in B&W. These forms positively loom here and really seem alive -- they are taking on abstarct human shapes. It was their jaunty attitude that has attracted me all along. Now I am really smilling. Very nice work Aaron...

    Mona Vale #2

    Hello Jeff. Carsten has articulated very well my own thoughts and response to this one. I like the patterns on this shore -- though I feel the patterns actually have more potential -- and the crashing wave is well caught in this angle of light. Perhaps the patterns from an angle and perspective much closer to them, one that skews them a bit would work better, at least as far as the patterns go. Sometimes it is very difficult to get all of what you want...
  5. Peter, this is a place worthy of more exploration. These patches of green lichen on this rock look varied and very interesting. Here, the lighting is not ideal to really bring these colors and textures alive though. The composition works well, but it remains an uphill fight under this light. Also I want to be closer to see these textures. The rock formation on the left really deserves to be seen with all of its textures. Just talking out loud here, Peter. I hope this is helpful...



    2006-07-23 #1


    The delicacy of this palette, Leigh, imparts to this image a thundering silence. The silence of solitude taking in this ethereal beauty. I had to chuckle at your statement regarding the Velvia.


    I really enjoyed and agreed with Carsten's take on the smaller rock. The one additional element I would add to the discussion on the composition is the role of the wave which breaks the planes up rather elegantly -- nice touch there. All together a very satisfying and pleasing image...

  6. Aaron, the tones we get when in these fogs and mists are deeply satisfying. Here the mood is transcendent as we enter that special space of reverie. My thought is that seeing more of the ground here would have added another layer and perhaps more possibility for the eye to wander and explore.



    Near Stillness

    Thanks for this feedback Dan. I could certainly lighten this one up. I have other exposures with which I could do a composite. I'll have to play around a bit more with this one. As it is, I very much like its mood...

    Of Tides and Time

    Thanks Daily and Julio. Chris, very good to hear from you. Your feedback here is very helpful. The composition here as you state leaves us wanting more. The blocked reflection is bothersome. The gradient of color and tone help this one along some but perhaps not enough. Anyway thank you all for your comments...
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