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david robinson

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Image Comments posted by david robinson

    Spirits of water

    Jean Pierre, I especially like that you captured the spirit of this place and time. The darker, bluish tones confer a sense of mystery that comes just at twilight. The longer exposure here with the channeled flow of water revealed is just right. This is an image that could sustain my interest...

    Wine cellar

    This one Peter seems a bit harsh -- maybe too over sharpened for my taste. I want to feel the darkness and dankness of these cellars. This feels almost dry. I much prefer the 'Barrels with Port wine at Grahams' better for its rich tones. You have this one in your experimental folder. Tell me what you are aiming to achieve, Peter.

    Just me

    I would say you seem wistful here, Polina, especially with your head resting on your arm. The bluring does not bother me here at all. It seems rather to add to the moodiness. Gesturally interesting...
  1. I really like this one Jeff. The contrained color range focuses our attention on the beautiful play of light in these clouds. I am OK with this foreground as is: it contributes significantly to the balance of tonal range here. The more I look at this one the more I like it. This one would make a very beautiful large print...


    The tones in this image are rendered beautifully, Pat. This horse comes alive, I can almost see its breath and life reflected in those eyes. This seems as if seen through the eyes of a child where magic still abounds...

    Morning Glow

    Thanks everyone. Even though the other image seemed to resonate stronger with others, this one does have its appeal. And as all of you noted that appeal most lies with the sky. I want to thank you Pat for the work you did on this image and for showing me how best to emphasize the strength of this image. I learned something today. Thanks again, Peter, Carsten, and Colin and Patricia...

    Morning Glow II


    Thanks everyone. Your comments have been very helpful as I try to decide which of these to work on for printing. Carsten you of course understand our challenge as landscapers to reduce the complexity of the chaos inherent in nature. What fun.


    Jeff, this is shot @ 1/60 sec, f11. No ND filter was used, nor is this a composite image. I am finding that the 5D gives me a considerable dynamic range with which to play. Anyway thanks again to you all...

  2. Jeff very pleasing tones here and nicely handled separation. I especially enjoy the subtlety in the color reflected in the alpine. My question concerns the shore line on the left: doesn't that seem to throw the balance off? I am interested to here you take on this...

    Lighting the Past..

    Pnina I am in agreement with Seven on this one. In particular I like his suggestion for a reflection in the mirror. Perhaps of someone's back who is leaving the room. Somehow I feel this would give this scene a more haunting feeling. Anyway I think I like the composition better with the mirror included. The tones here integrate well with your symbols...

    Summer I

    Colin your camera already has the dreaded dust spots on the sensor. The 5D is notorious for this problem. Fortunately there are good solutions. As to your image, most enjoyable. The sign seems more for travelers on foot rather than by cars. That adds a comfortable and intimate feeling to this...
  3. Jeff, I will just state that Stephen gave a critique that stated quite elegantly my on views. Amazing matching up of that patch of sky to the color of the sand here and that of the clouds to this color of the rock as well. I think there is a consensus building: the detritus is detrious.
  4. Anti-Atkins and proud of it. The deep-fried Oreo sign caught my attention here too, Pat. This has got that small town carnival feeling through and through. Your Americana antenna is exquisitely tuned Pat. I've got a big smile over here...



  5. Salvatore, what a mystical place you encountered here with the mist and wind blowing through these tight spaces. The notion of shelter brings comfort upon this exposed perch. These dwellings offer that and much more...
  6. Maria, you should be able to acheive this level in your post processing once you begin to blend two exposures. In this shot of yours, if you had a second image of this identical scene but underexposed to capture the sky, you could blend the two images to get the sky and the foreground exposed properly. It really is much simpler than you think. Did you read the article I referred you to. Try it. Do you have Photoshop software? If not go out and take your two exposures and email them to me. I will show you.

    2006-05-27 #2


    Leigh, this one too will contribute substantially to your series. You are really beginning to explore a much deeper and more interesting emotional plane in your landscapes. This is a most worthy exploration. By the way, I agree with Carsten regarding your foreground here -- it really cements this composition.



  7. Beautiful work Pnina. These muted colors work very effectively here as nothing distracts from these layers of repeated forms and the splash of silvery water is just perfect giving this image both context and a nice touch of contrast. I love this tranquil feeling...

    Canned Eyes

    Excellent work. I think this image really comes together in all of its elements. I will disagree with the suggestions so far to change the eyes. Their lack of uniformity in size and the consistently in all other aspects works just fine here. Other packed items e.g., sardines, oysters and the like would all appear the same except perhaps in respect to size. Anyway this is very well done. My congratulations....
  8. Thanks again folks for your feedback. David, I really like what you did here to strengthen this image. I particularly like the effect this had on toning down the distant bay. This might have to be tweaked a bit as I notice some 'interference (JPEG?) in the ripples midway.
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