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Image Comments posted by mikeseb

  1. Why is everyone so keen on this cutesy stuff? What's wrong with making a photo that can stand on its own without such frivolous baggage attached?


    Can you tell this is a pet peeve of mine? In the same annoying category as flowery calligraphic signatures, multi-beveled border "treatments", and cryptic pseudointellectual captions. Gawd.


    Lovely model, nice image otherwise. Did I mention that I am not in favor of the edge effect you applied? :)


    ...on her breast and shoulder--burned completely white on my monitor. Not much shadow detail--perhaps this was the look you were after. Possibly oversharpened as well.
  2. Not sure what to make of this one. Too much going on in fore-and backgrounds, not sure what it's all about. ? Hirsute nude man atop a lion statue? Something happening on campus of which he is a part? Snapshot to show the girls back home?


    Doesn't seem to be a point that I can discern. Perhaps I am thick.



    What can one say about this? Hideous orange cast, pointless composition, burned highlights that hurt the eyes and don't serve a purpose...I could go on but you get the point.


    Unlike your other work here, this one is painful to behold. Sorry.

  3. I like the concept here, but, respectfully, I find the composition a bit too cluttered for my taste. Also, perhaps it's my eye or monitor or lack of a hearty breakfast, but I don't find a single area of this image that is in sharp focus. Perhaps this is an artifact of the negative or print scan?


    Tones, and model, are beautiful.


    F/B welcome on my work also.



    I love the dark sky and white clouds as a background to this intriguing image. Looking at it, it is confusing in an interesting way; is it a miniature, or a giant sphere the size of a city block. The scale is deceptive.


    F/B on my portfolio also welcomed. Nice job.

    Porn star


    agree that the watch is the interesting element in this image. Lovely tonality--as much as I like B&W I'm not sure it would work as well in this case.


    This image is tame compared to some that have been posted here (anyone remember the one of the guy about to sever his manhood with the ornate dagger?)

  4. That is a world-class a--, stunningly rendered. You could crop the top 1/4 of the image for some improvement, I think.




    Thoughtful feedback on my work, negative or positive, is always welcomed.

  5. ...that my comments were received in the spirit intended, and that I didn't seem as brusque as my words, when reread, seemed even to me.


    Again, nice job with the image. After all, that's what it's all about.

    No more

    I like the composition and the story it tells. But the image tones are quite flat. I wonder if some Curves adjustment in PS might improve the image's tonal range?

    Running Ghost


    Maxime used the word "cinematic" to describe this image--that is spot-on accurate. I love the muted pastel colors in a scene that I'd normally render in B&W if I were shooting it.


    Nicely done indeed.


    Feedback on my portfolio welcome also.



    Better Sisyphus than Prometheus I guess; but better still, Tantalus, as long as the water isn't too cold.


    Concept is interesting but I agree with the previous respondent that B&W would be better. Here the color gets in the way.


    The image appears to need sharpening; maybe this is an artifact of JPG conversion.

    Carol (4)

    ...but not of this depiction of her. It's out of focus/noisy/need sharpening, poorly lit, and lacks contrast, plus the color is flat and drab. If these were your intentions, they don't do it for me. If not, yikes!
  6. Withoiut the caption, "Young Girl Looking Out Window", I'd never have known that this is a photo of a young girl looking out of a window. :) Really, the photo is its own caption!


    Attractive model and pose, nice lighting. Camera should be level, or if not level, image should be free of slanting lines that scream "NOT LEVEL!". In fact, would be nice to have background free of junk or have junk rendered out of focus with depth-of-field.

  7. I love the shot itself--nice composition and concept, and the silhouetting came off just right. I might crop a bit at the top, but this is a quibble only.


    I don't at all care for the rather obtrusive (IMO) title and signature, nor for the white/black framing around the image. Don't take it personally; I'm a purist when it comes to B&W (please see my portfolio here) and I find that such adornments add nothing to, and usually detract from, a good image such as this one.


    Titles, such as yours, that purport to explain the image to the viewer make little sense to me; the photo should explain itself, or should leave it to the viewer to interpret its meaning. I favor a simple date/place title (if that), and a simple signature, in faintly rendered pencil, on the bottom of the print.


    A matter of taste, but you asked!! :)


    Feedback on my work welcome.

  8. ....when I spoke of "framing" I did not mean "frame" in the conventional sense: "a rectangle of wood or metal that encloses and supports the photograph for display"; I referred to the red pinstripe and wide black border around this image, which IMO detract significantly from the image.

    Rays on snow


    a quasi-abstract landscape. I'd crop out the treetops at far right and the window or other object at left, and enough of the bottom to restore proper proportions.


    Good concept.



    I like the composition, but for my taste you have quite overdone the soft-focus look, of which I'm not a fan to begin with.


    A beautiful woman like your model deserves to be seen, not obscured by gimmickry.



    that level of resolving power is just mind-blowing. I guess you didn't handhold! :)


    And I second the motion for sharp! I absolutely loathe and hate artifice in all its nefarious forms--the cutesy frames around images, the calligraphic "signatures", the tilted baselines, the "artfully" unfocused or faux-finished "aged". They are visual sleight-of-hand, designed to mask the mediocrity of the images they adorn.


    Contrast with what we have here. Simplicity itself, technique in the service of art. Proper technique is liberating; once that is learned, as obviously Robert has, creativity can flourish unchained.


    End of rant. Heckuvan image, fabulous model.

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