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Image Comments posted by mikeseb



    what really makes this image work is not so much the massive breasts on the woman at center--and her willingness at show-and-tell--but the face of the guy at lower left. Is he looking at the woman at lower right, gauging her reaction? past her at something else?


    I like this whole series. You have a great eye for the story in the image.



    ...one wonders what it would take!


    Another great shot. The whole story is in her expression. Kent you are a born photojournalist, as this "Biker Party" series amply demonstrates.


    Very well conceived and executed. The model is stunningly attractive. The light is soft, yet has a bit of specularity. Curious how you lit this.
  1. ...but rather, an ordinary paint job, ordinarily depicted.


    This image really does not grab me due to its flat lighting and my intrinsic lack of interest in body-painting. To each his own.



    Without it, I'd never have guessed that the photo is of an attractive young woman's well-formed and pool-dampened butt.


    You've caught me in a curmudgeonly moment, but you get my point.

  2. What really strikes me is the lighting. Absolutely masterful. Clear and contrasty,and hard but smooth at the same time. (I'd love to know your lighting setup. I'm betting one light at camera left near the camera, and ?another at the background rear left?)


    Beautifully done.

    Rita III


    John, reviewing your entire portfolio, I think "B&W, Then to Now" is your strongest work. You have an eye for the street to be sure.


    This image of Rita, beautfully formed though she is, I don't find appealing. There is a flatness to the tones and a granularity (or lack of fine focus?) that robs it of dimensionality.

    come with me


    Lovely model and good composition, but the lighting seems flat as if it were positioned directly overhead or bounced off the ceiling.


    Consider lowering the lights and moving them to the sides a bit more to add some dimension to her features and to illuminate her eyes a bit, since they are the central feature of her face.



    Nice to see images with beautiful models who aren't starved teenagers. I like the color one better (even though I love B&W as you'd see in my portfolio) because it is a bit edgier.


    Perhaps it was your intent, but neither image of her looks to be in focus, or else you've soft-focused them. Not fond of the look in portraits, but that's your choice. I think even if you choose a soft-focus or diffused look, you should start with the eyes razor sharp. Also, i'd crop the dark vertical band at the right edge of this one; the gray negative space to camera right looks fine until it's interrupted by that darker band.


    In your portfolio, my favorite image is the one of the rusty ?paint thinner can.



    Beautiful. A few suggestions:


    1. Is it out of focus?


    2. Consider cropping out everything to the right of the right table edge including the sliver of window.


    Lovely golden light.



    Very nice portrait with a classic feel. If I could change one thing I'd either dim or turn off the lamp at front right.


    The doctor's confidence and character shine through--that makes this a successful portrait. Well done.

    poor man


    I agree about the facial features and closer crop. Also, at very least I'd like to see the fence and trees in the background way out of focus--open the aperture and/or shoot with a telephoto lens to achieve that end. YOu could also consider shooting at an up or down angle so there is less distracting stuff behind him. I'd like to see more of his eyes as well; a reflector or just a tiny bit of fill flash would do the trick.


    He may be a "poor man" but his portrait exudes dignity and contentment. Nice job, just needs a few tweaks.

  3. Matt, that is one gorgeous Brittany. My Max is coming up on 12 years old--he's mostly white with orange markings, comes from a line of show- and field-trial champions. Don't think I've ever known a finer, more stouthearted and intelligent dog.


    I had intended to hunt him when he was a youngster, but ran out of convenient places to hunt and his training got sidetracked.


    My sister had two; their stamina is just amazing. She runs them around a reservoir in a state park; they go literally for hours without stopping.



    ...WHY do you empower the low-raters by acknowledging their activities? Why do you care what some anonymous jack*** thinks about your work? You are expecting more than this system can deliver--meaningful ratings--and the only result is needless frustration for yourself.


    You can be certain that, because you have made so much noise about it in this and other posts, the low-raters will be lying in wait for your every submission.


    IT DOESN'T MATTER!! Unless you are just here to get your ego stroked, DON'T WORRY ABOUT RATINGS! If you're here to improve your work, consider what thoughtful reviewers have to say and use the good they offer to improve--and discard the dreck.


    Lovely model and nice image, BTW. Not crazy about the background.



    I like the concept, the pose, and the model. Almost looks like a Reubens painting. That said, I'm not sure I'm wild about the "technique". To some extent it makes the image look like a bad scan of a bad print.


    Not a helpful critique, I know! :) Those are my emotional impressions. But it's growing on me!

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