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Image Comments posted by mikeseb

    Zs 673


    She is lovely, as is your depiction of her. She has a spectacularly good "figure".


    At the risk of being indelicate, it appears that certain nether regions have been photoshopped as there is not there the expected level of, er, detail visible. Makes her look a bit like Barbie.


    I like this shot John.

    Zs 603


    Les, I think I've reconciled myself to the eyes-plus-breasts version! :)


    She is absolutely amazing. I think the dark shadow behind her and the dark head-swallowing band at the top are unexpected departures from your usual high level of craftsmanship though, John!


    But never mind. I'll look at any version of her you wish to post!


    Happy Holidays to you and to all who read this.



    ...because the Hassy shoots square, that's why! :)


    Oleg, very well done. Simple is best as you've masterfully demonstrated.


    Who says tabular emulsions aren't good for portraits?



    You could plant her face-down on a copy machine and get a delicious image--but you've done more than that.


    Works well as a casual environmental portrait of a fabulously attractive woman.

  1. Mission, since you don't seem ever to find any value in the criticism offered here, why bother posting your work with "feedback always welcome" when it so clearly isn't? "Adulation only" seems more your motto. No one on photo.net is good enough to comment on your work it seems, yet you keep coming back for more. Odd.


    That said, I like this image despite the (intentional or not) blown shoulder highlight. The model is stunning and the shot is well done.



    JR, I read your bio and viewed your portfolio here. There, you go on at length about "hate raters" and the various other ills of photo.net, but your childish responses to my postings here are emblematic of the problems you decry. Perhaps the brittle shell of your self esteem is a bit too fragile for the knocks of this world.


    You posted a work, presumably for commentary, and when a viewer didn't reward you with the fawning praise you seem to expect as your birthright, you got snarly and aggressive. Had I merely, without comment, given you a 1/1 or some other "hate rating" then I suppose we'd all have been treated to a diatribe about that.


    In JR's world, is it possible that someone might not like a work that happens to be sexually-themed, not because he is a prude or a right winger, but because the work in question just isn't very interesting or well-executed? How convenient, when you receive a low rating or less than a glowing review, to be able to dismiss your reviewer as a hater or philistine!


    My comments didn't cost either of us a thing, so you're free to dismiss them as you please, never mind your hypocrisy. Get over yourself, man; like most people here, myself included, you aren't the second incarnation of [insert great photographer's name here].

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