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Image Comments posted by mikeseb

  1. what a fabulous study in shadow and texture. I'd suggest cropping the vague white patch in the upper right corner.


    Also,this should not be posted in the "nudes" section--try "landscape" or "abstract" instead.


    fabulous shot. reminds me of karsh's portrait of Kruschev. What a craggy and time-worn visage your subject has...you have brought his personality to the fore nicely. Well done...


    i love this portrait, with two minor quibbles. first, i find the highlight at the upper right corner to be distracting; and the sepia is too strong for my taste. But what a nice job overall.

    Blue eyes

    Nice job. I can see where reasonable photographers could disagree about the aesthetic decision re DOF but this version works for me to accentuate her most striking feature (at least above the neck!), her eyes.
  2. I like the photo overall. There is a fineness of detail that appeals. for my taste, i'd like to see more highlight detail in the sunlit lawn beyond the exit arch, and overall a bit more contrast. Also, the image is skewed or slanted.


    Keep up the good work Kyle.

  3. You're doing fine. I like this shot immensely. For my taste, I think I'd want to see a bit more light on the edges of the silhouette, but that's an aesthetic decision.


    Congrats on your impending fatherhood--take a bunch of pictures of all of your kids and not just #1, as you will soon see just how quickly they grow up. (check my portfolio for a shot of my own two savages.)



    A Resting Tortise


    I love the angles formed by railings and their reflections. Somehow, and I can't put my finger on it, the sketch-drawing effect doesn't quite work for me. I can see how this shot might have looked ordinary to you in color. What about high-contrast b&W, reduced to only the darkest and lightest tones?


    Keep at it, you are on to something.

  4. overall a nice informal portrait. The light on the right side of the subjects' faces is too harsh, with the image blown out to white there and no detail. Unless this was an effect you were specifically trying to achieve, I'd rate this a technical flaw. Also, the background visible between their heads is a bit busy for my taste.


    Nice concept, could tweak its execution.


    the background is too busy for my taste. And I agree with the previous comment that I'd like it better in B&W. But that is an aesthetic decision for you, of course.


    Looking at the photo, which I like, I find myself wondering...with that awesome horizon and reflected buoyant clouds,is the starfish in the foreground a bit too much, perhaps a little contrived? A matter of personal taste--no criticism of the technical beauty of the image.
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