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Posts posted by cenelsonfoto

  1. Nice, Mark. Glad to see you are still shooting.


    J., not sure about a book. I've thunk on it a bit, but worried the per unit cost would be overwhelming to the average buyer. I've considered doing small box-sets of prints, or perhaps even a very small book, 2x2 or 3x3 prints--that might actually be doable.


    I'm starting to run out of film, and I'm pretty much broke at this point. Trying to raise funds by selling some gear, etc., but also have a wish-list at B&H if any better-off individuals are lurking and would be willing to kick down a pack or three of film...that would rock.


    The wish-list is <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=wishlisting&A=wishlistDetail&Q=&li=23AFB7CE1D">HERE</a>. A Paypal donation would be helpful, too, and all of it would go toward film supplies. Request my e-mail from the system, and send a few bucks to it if so inclined.<p>

    I'll add more to the forum as I produce them. I waited a while to be certain this was actually going to come together as something sustainable. It's not exactly street, and a handful of images wouldn't have qualified as a social-doc experiment, so...<p>

    I am glad to see familiar faces still posting here.<p>

    Be well,<br>


  2. Barry, indeed. And I think the Fujifilm is much nicer than the Polaroid versions. I also think they're more stable, as in less color-shift with the expired packs. Can't swear to it.


    Order some, see what comes out.


    And thanks, kindly, for the feedback.





  3. Greetings;<p>

    It's been a good while since I last posted here, but I've been busy with school

    and other major issues.


    One thing I have been working on is a project which came out of left field back

    in March. At the moment, I am calling it "Strangers & Not So Strange". <p>

    All images are being shot on Fujifilm FP-100C using my Mamiya RB67 in hand with

    a pola-back attached. Primary lens is the 90mm. I've done a few using the 127mm,

    but find I prefer the 90mm. I'm working very close to my subjects, using only

    available light. Location has been my favorite pub, which has wonderful,

    folding, glass doors along the face of the business, providing very nice light

    in the late afternoon until early evening, generally 3PM to 6 or 7PM, depending

    on cloud cover, etc.<p>

    If you happen to be in the NW Arkansas area...and I know, that's a stretch...and

    you would like to sit for this project, please contact me to set up a meeting.<p>

    The full, on-going set can be viewed <a


    Thanks for looking.<p>

    CE Nelson<br>

    Fayetteville, AR<p>


    <img src="http://nelsonfoto.com/mein/grouped.jpg">

  4. Perhaps this affects no one on photo.net, but several of my forums members were

    goofballed by Kapono.


    He is alive, after all, it appears. I personally placed several calls to Hawaii

    trying to raise him at the peak of the unrest over his dropping out of touch

    with those who had paid him good money to manufacture "new" bellows; appears he

    is now attempting to sell those same bellows on eBay.<p>


    Caveat Emptor! I've never heard from him. I have no fricking clue where he's

    been, or what kept Mark from honoring his contracts. Piss-poor in my opinion.

    Mind your wallets for the now.<p>


    <a href="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZmkapono">Link to his

    current auctions.</a>

  5. You taking the piss, Boris? Come on, you know I shoot plenty.

    <p />

    Here: Two Polapan Pro shots from today, 350 Land Camera.

    <p />

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34432914@N00/1938622588/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2088/1938622588_44fe12b8d7.jpg" width="390" height="500" alt="DDP Gallery in the Free Weekly" /></a><p />

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34432914@N00/1937782575/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2248/1937782575_a516e9acfb.jpg" width="398" height="500" alt="Chad Holding a Polaroid While Standing for a Portrait" /></a><p />

  6. Bruce, thanks for the comments.

    <p />

    Note: these were scanned on an Epson 3200 Photo scanner...a flatbed, consumer-level scanner. I imagine some more could be pulled out of them if/when I move to print them for exhibition, but the Epson did well-enough for my needs. Not having the slide-holder, I made one out of card-stock, tracing a slide outline on it, cutting that out, and laying the sheet of stock on the flatbed, slide perfectly placed in the cut-out. Surprisingly, it worked, and worked better than I expected, in fact, better than the Epson OEM holders ever worked for me.

    <p />



    <a href="http://nelsonfoto.com">Nelson Foto</a>

  7. (Also posted in the Street/Photojournalism forum. Relevant here in Classics as a

    Found-Film topic, and having been shot, no doubt, with a [now]classic camera kit.)

    <p />

    I lucked into a small cache of slides, which appear to have been part of the

    estate of an area man, deceased. Not certain about him or his status, but he was

    a pretty good photographer by the slides he left behind.

    <p />

    Just finished scanning the Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides, and a <a


    is available.

    <p />

    Enjoy.<p />

    Craig<p />



  8. I lucked into a small cache of slides, which appear to have been part of the

    estate of an area man, deceased. Not certain about him or his status, but he was

    a pretty good photographer by the slides he left behind.

    <p />

    Just finished scanning the Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides, and a <a


    is available.

    <p />

    Enjoy.<p />

    Craig<p />



  9. 99% of my flash work is done with the flash off the camera, attached SC17. I hold the flash in my left hand, and operate the camera with the right, using either an 18-35mm AF IF-ED lens, or more recently, a Tamron 28-75 f/2.8. In a pinch, I might mount the speedlight on a monopod. I prefer, absolutely, to use an assistant holding a piece of scored and tri-folded foam-core for work that doesn't require me to scurry about, as in shoots allowing me time to take multiple frames, seeking the best light.

    <p />

    Sounds kooky, but I swear it works. Bouncing off a piece of 'core really wraps the subjects. It's as close as I can get to studio-quality light while working out-doors without the time and equipment/budget to properly set-up umbrellas, etc.

    <p />

    Here's a <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34432914@N00/sets/72157602597763508">link</a> to a just-completed series of shots done over the last two weekends.<p />

    Note: I first used a speedlight a bit over a year ago. It's been a very fun ride getting to this point, but I am now confident enough to shoot both flash and camera in manual mode, modifying settings on both units as needed to get what I want. I generally use an SB25 as the main source, carrying 2 SB26 units in addition which make nice back-lights if needed, due to the built-in optical slaves.

    <p />

    Indeed, read the Strobist essays and jump on in. The water's just right.<p />

    C.<p />

    <i>Nikon D70s, Tamron 28-75mm/f2.8, single SB25 on SC17, my daughter holding a piece of foamcore to my left and behind slightly. Hard to argue with the output.</i><p />

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34432914@N00/1795810858/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2401/1795810858_a15e7c822f.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="Fall Portrait Sessions" /></a>

  10. I've no idea how to accomplish this with other Nikons, but my D70s will hit full 1/8000th sync via the following:

    <p />

    1) I connect an SC17 to the hotshoe of the camera<br>

    2) I plug an SC19 into the connection on the SC17 shoe<br>

    <p />

    Using step one, I can only attain 1/500th max sync. Via the combination of the SC17/SC19, I can reach max-shutter sync.

    <p />

    I do believe this can also be accomplished by masking off one of the contacts on the camera hotshoe, as illustrated here:

    <p />

    <img src="http://www.photo.net/bboard-uploads/00CbX2-24229784.JPG">

    <p />

    In fact, I'll try that on my morning shoot. One less cord to worry about, though the added reach comes in handy when shooting the speedlights into umbrellas on stands.

    <p />


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