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Image Comments posted by goulden


    there is a good idea there but the angle of view, the lighting and not seeing the leaves caught under the step make it a very bland shot in my opinion. there is something good there so just try more shots of the area
  1. would love to have seen a larger dof but it was probably technically impossible. great framing of the two guys and a really nice conversion to black and white. i wonder what the shot would've looke like if you'd taken a step to the left to get more of the singer in the frame?
  2. i love the idea. at a lot of concerts it's hard to get a position where you can get this kind of view. care to upload the uncropped version so we can see the full image? for me, it's a great idea but let down by the stage lighting. the stage should be the focal point from which you start looking around your photo. but the moment you photographed, the stage is very dark. would be nicer if you got a point where the lights where shining onto the crowd as often happens at the end of songs etc. also, final criticism, i'd crop the girl and the guy on the far right and left as I find them distracting to the whole overview of the arena
  3. A surreal looking photo. The top half is a sunny bright-saturated day in suburbia, whilst under the bridge looks like a grey, uninviting scene featuring street kids from Brazil. A really intriguing photo.

    Elephants in Kenya

    the scan looks a little fuzzy. the viewpoint isn't very original. it looks like the standard safari photo taken from the roof of the ATV. It's a great memory seeing such amazing animals but I don't see any real impact in the photo, a little too flat

    The Gate

    i really like the colours and the sky but the composition doesn't draw me into the picture. the background behind the wall & gate is distracting in my opinion. i'd like to see it shot from a lower angle to leave the viewer with more of a sense of mystery about what's behind the gate

    The Squirrel


    Not hugely original I know but it's a shot I really like for the

    look on his face. Any comments on what I could have done to improve


    The Starlit Pond

    no filters apart from the polariser. the stars came from the really bright sunlight reflecting off the pond. i don't know how but i took the first photo with a normal exposure and you could kind of see them so I photographer again underexposing and they came up just like you see there.

    stars in the pond


    I went out this afternoon to do some standard flower shots but pah,

    don't like doing standard shots. This is a pond with water lilies.

    Haven't touched it in photoshop apart from cropping and stanard

    sharpen filter after resizing.

  4. really interesting colours for a concert photo. great expressions on their faces and movemnet but a bit too much camera shake. It seems like you had enough light to get a higher shutter speed but I really like this composition



    i've been asked to do a few bright flower photos for display where i

    work and having never photographed flowers before i've done a few

    photos of some interesting plants. i'll upload a few more over the

    next week but what do you think of this, what could i improve or

    change in further shots?

  5. brilliant capture, movement of the hair, the rather unusual background light and choice of instrument make it really impressive. nitpicking comments: crop the bottom to get rid of the distracting fence at the bottom and it wouldve been so good if you'd got the full left elbow in the frame
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