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Posts posted by charles_stobbs3

  1. There was a special edition of the older model which had a green covering instead of black which was several hundred dollars more. I hate black cameras and have been hoping to find a bargain on the green model some day. I should never have sold my olive green Zeiss Werra. (Tessar, Compur)
  2. My wife gave me a no name10 speed bike, but with Shimano shifters when I was much younger. When I got older (and stiffer) I thought of getting a mountain bike and bought a news kid's 40 year old Raleigh 3 speed for $40 at a yard sale to see iif an upright bike would suit me. Best bike I ever owned, shifted like silk, rode it for 20 years until an inner ear problem ruined my balance. I finally gave it away to a friend. Good equipment keeps working, even when the dollar value declines Never did buy another bike.
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  3. On old Kodaks (and probably most cameras) set at B you have to keep holding the shutter release down as long as you want the shutter open.When you set it at T pressing once opens the shutter, the second pressing closes the shutter. If the camera is on a tripod, you can hold a black pice of cardboard in front of the lens until any vibration stops, lift the cardboard while timing the exposure, then cover the lens again and press the release again to close the shutter. Good for star photos.
  4. I have (sadly) not used my camera for a few weeks. But in that time I have probably used my cell phone camera 8 or 10 times.Usually to send the result to my wife or friends showing them where I am via messaging or email and downloading the pictures to my computer when I get home. Not something I could do with a camera. Although having just switched to an iPhone from an Android I find the learning curve steeper than I expected.
  5. I have several, mostly Konica C35 variants; AF3, EF3, MF, and a Nikon L35AF. But as I age and don't take any long trips digital has taken over because I can down load and recharge as soon as I get home, But for several days away I would get film out of the freezer and a couple of AA batteries and one of the 35's.
  6. I recently bought and activated an iPhone SE after several years of using Android Motorola Moto E. Is there an iPhone app like Gallery available for iPhone? I liked the ability to scroll through all the pictures at a reasonable size and delete them, share them or Bluetooth them to my computer while scrolling through them without having to return to each individual photo. Thanks
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