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Posts posted by charles_stobbs3

  1. I recently realized that at least some of the pictures displayed are not of the actual sales item but apparently cribbed from the internet. If a product has been upgraded or downgraded by the manufacturer during the production the serial number may be a clue as to the year when it was produced and what features you can expect.
  2. I have a C35MF which I took on a trip to Italy some years ago. I took it on a trip to Italy with 5 rolls of Elite Chrome. It worked fine but I was always apprehensive about so much automation so I bought a C35EF3 which has a 35mm Hexanon, auto exposure but manual focus and winding. There are 3 scales on the lens, feet, meters, and zone, The camera is very compact and came with a small case with a belt clip. It also came in several colors (who wants to be seen with a black camera?). This will be my first choice when I start to use up some of the Elite Chrome still in the freezer.
  3. I noticed that different lens manufacturers disagree on depth of field for lenses of the same focal length and aperture. Not surprising because depth of field refers to the observers tolerance for blur. I think Leica tables are more conservative than most and for a belt and suspenders approach I would close down one more stop than they recommend. However camera shake comes into play as well and I try never to use longer than 1/200 sec The old Olympus Trip 35 produced consistently sharp pictures because it had a fixed 1/200 shutter speed (when not on flash).
  4. I sent there days in Aarhus once but I was sick in bed with shingles and only saw the emergency room, an opthamologist's office, a pharmacy and a B&B so I'm no help.
  5. I think that the Kodak Retina (and maybe the others) did not swap the whole lens but only the front element(s) to obtain the various lens types and the shutter was between the fixed rear elements and the swappable front elements. Thus the rear element to film distance was the same for all options and the same focussing scale was used for all options. Probably a difficult optical design problem.
  6. I shot mostly Kodachrome in my film days and scanned those shots that I wanted to transfer to the computer to email to friends or to Photonet. Still have my Canoscan 8800F to scan old slides once in a while. I stopped using a slide projector/screen years ago, preferring to use a good hand held slide viewer which I find a much pleasanter viewing experience. Digital is much easier and quicker and I need to get a tablet to replicate the viewing experience.
  7. I have a photo in my portfolio, "Ferry to Portland" taken with a C35AF3 but I don't know how to get into this post. At one point the camera jammed and I took out enough screws to split it in half. Didn't see anything wrong but when I reassembled it, it was fine again for a few rolls. Now it's jammed again until I have time to split it again. But it taught me to trust the concept of an automatic camera in theory.
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