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Posts posted by nancy_bueler

  1. Thanks Bruce; I do have the Paterson tanks, but wasn't sure how you would adjust the reels so you could load the 120 film. Maybe I'll just look into the Ultra reels like you suggested, Jim. There's plenty of used equipment stores in Toronto! Is there a particular brand of Ultra reels (or is Ultra the brand?).
  2. This may be a silly question, but can I use my 35mm developing tank,

    with the plastic reels, to develop 120/620 film? I've decided that I

    just can't justify the cost of developing any longer, and would like

    to start developing my own film again.




  3. Thanks for all the advice. For most of the year, the conditions in my home were fairly cool. I was planning on using this film strictly for pinhole, so I guess I'll just take some shots and see what I get!



  4. I have a box of Tri-X Pan film, that expired January 2004. Do you

    think it would still be good? I bought the film originally to use in

    a pinhole camera, but never used it. The film has not been kept in

    the fridge.

  5. Thanks Ben - it was a lot of fun to do. Travis, how on earth did you get an EM

    for $10? Michael, the Pez dispenser is definitely the most improved, wouldn't

    you agree? Glenn, we've all worked with the guy on the left! Graham, I

    agree, but how would the light work? Mike, good advice. Wouldn't want to

    scare the kiddies now ;-)

  6. You know, Polaroid was supposed to have gone bankrupt years ago, but

    aren't they still in business? Maybe this will never happen at Kodak. If they

    stop making paper, does this mean Agfa and Ilford and everybody else will

    follow suit? Where would we get our paper then, would there be some sort of

    black market for paper?


    "I may start buying digital cameras for the kids though". Paul, maybe you

    should forget about the digital cameras and buy them an SLR or TLR (or two),

    thus ensuring a few more customers for Kodak, et al.

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