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Image Comments posted by deozmac

    Loris Capirossi

    This is not as sharp as the others from the same race - in this folder. I use Capture One sw for processing and I never overdo the sharpening, but use some. I suggest you look at the shots of Colin Edwards and Dani Pedrosa. Edwards was the sharpest from the day (I think), but not such an interesting photo IMHO. Thanks for commenting!

    Dani Pedrosa

    John - Thanks for your critique - it's appreciated. I think you're correct about the marshall in the background, however I prefer to leave space on the LHS for the rider to move into.
  1. This could perhaps have the contrast increased, for more 'punch' and in view of the subject you are commenting on. I also think your copyright sign would be better placed in a border - to me it gets in the way of the simplicity of the image.


    I like the abstract nature of this - the bokeh and the contrast in the detail of the feathers and the strong lines of these. Courageous to post this, and I like it too!

    Antique row


    Strong lines, good reflections and a sense of its place in the surroundings - evocative. Moves this pilot's juices!

    A minor point - some signs of the frame at top right - minor cropping required.

  2. I really like this, the surface tension between your feet and the water. The main impact for me is from the highlights provided by the feet and of sourse the sun/cloud pattern reflected in the water. You also seem to have captured a water-beetle at top right!
  3. Hi Bertil,


    I love your amusing title and the expansiveness of this photo.


    These are lenticular clouds, under suitable atmospheric conditions they form downwind of mountain ranges, or even hills. They mark the upflows in a wave-like atmospheric disturbance, so there is steady lift available for glider pilots, who love them. Of course, in between there is the sinking air, so it is necessary to be well aware of where you are flying! regards, David

  4. Peter, I love the general atmosphere of this picture and the peace in conveys. The sky is particularly dramatic and adds greatly to the overall mood. I like your composition - using the sky as a major element.

    Dance of Passion

    This is simply memorable! I have rated as 7-7. Not only is it interesting natural histry, but aesthetically great (IMHO) because the shapes of the snail shells are echoed by the blurred background.
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